
Furthermore, self-efficacy, social control and dysfunctional strategies for coping produced significant multivariate effects on all social anxiety variables seen together (SIAS, SPS, SI), suggesting that they affect the amounts of anxiety experienced in social performance situations as well as the affective, cognitive and physiological symptoms from social anxiety, and the experienced amounts of social impairment from anxiety. This may be further proof that social anxiety ought to be represented by a continuum. Finally, note that a number of the study participants recruited from local associations for individuals with social phobia scored below the cutoff scores for SIA and/or SPS, which Rapee and Spence (2004) have suggested is a strong sign that social anxiety–social phobia should be considered as a continuum. Our findings suggest that one does not necessarily need to fulfill diagnostic criteria for social phobia to experience amounts of social anxiety that are restricting and handicapping. Low self-efficacy and/or specific coping habits appear to have a decisive role for an individual’s experience of social anxiety as handicapping, irrespective of whether the individual reports high or low levels of social anxiety.

此外,自我效能感,社会控制和失调战略等因素在急剧增长的社会焦虑中产生了许多多元化的影响,外界普遍认为,对于在社会表现出来的焦虑情绪,由人们自身经历而生成的焦虑,与人们内心自发的认知的和社会焦虑所带来的生理上的伤害,还有焦虑中生成的社会伤害是基本持平的。这也更加证明了社会焦虑是由一个统一体的形式而展现出来的。后来,Rapee and Spence (2004)推出了 一项实验,该实验统计了当地低于SIA和SPS的底线并存在社交恐惧症的人们,根据实验中的人数统计,再一次有力的证明了社会焦虑-社交恐惧是一个集体性的问题。我们的发现表明:单独某一个人,不一定非要克服书面上描述的社交恐惧症的标准才能融入以前不能融入的社会。自我效能低,特殊的接人待物习惯,都有可能是一个人不能融入社会的因素,而非个人社会焦虑报告书中的数据所能体现。
