
100词左右 跪谢

第1个回答  2011-12-18
Dec. 18, (Sunday) at the national morning speech contest will be postponed to December 22 (Thursday) in the afternoon (2-6) held. Venues for teaching building number one lecture hall. Invited to 5 of the judges, including 2 life foreign teachers, top 10 will reap the rewards and enjoy listening to teachers and students to visit the games in December 2011, 10追问

亲 能不能再多点啊 词数有点少

第2个回答  2011-12-18
The speech contest which hold at Dec. 18, (Sunday) will be postponed to December 22 (Thursday) in the afternoon (2-6) held.the Venues is the number three teaching building lecture hall at the thred floor.There are 5 judges invited,including two foreign teachers.the top10 will reap the reward.welcome every teacher and student visit the games.
December 10,2011
能力有限,。。。见谅 、