

When hot summer comes,light and cool food gets more popular. Salads are one of( ). Made from uncooked vegetables,they are not( )healthy,but also can be( ){taste}.
There are thousands of different salads.But( )ones are easy to make.
Here's ( )to make a simple salad. This one goes well( )a main meat dish and rice.
First you need some( ),such as a lettuce(生菜),some tomatoes,( )cucunmber and a couple of peeppers(青椒).From the suppermarket,buy a salad dressing(沙拉酱). Wash the vegetables( ){careful}. Chop them into pieces and put them in a bowl. Add the dressing. ( ){mix} the vegetables and the dressing up. And there you have your salad!


When hot summer comes,light and cool food gets more popular. Salads are one of(Them ). Made from uncooked vegetables,they are not( )healthy,but also can be(tasted ){taste}.
There are thousands of different salads.But(few )ones are easy to make.
Here's (way )to make a simple salad. This one goes well(with )a main meat dish and rice.
First you need some(vegetables ),such as a lettuce(生菜),some tomatoes,(or )cucunmber and a couple of peeppers(青椒).From the suppermarket,buy a salad dressing(沙拉酱). Wash the vegetables(carefully ){careful}. Chop them into pieces and put them in a bowl. Add the dressing. (mixing ){mix} the vegetables and the dressing up. And there you have your salad!

参考资料:中间的一空我认为不用填了 或填very勉强可以

第1个回答  2007-09-09
them,very,to have a tast,no,how,and,milk,a,carefully,Mix
第2个回答  2007-09-11
uncooked vegetables,they are not( )healthy<very/so>
( )cucunmber 应该是个和 a,some 差不多的词~~~
( ){mix} the vegetables and the dressing up.因为是“.”所以是mix