

春节:The Spring Festival 、元宵节:Lantern Festival 、头牙:Head teeth、寒食节:Cold food festival was、清明节:Tomb-sweeping day 、端午节:Dragon Boat Festival、七夕节;Double Seventh Festival、中元节:Hungry Ghost Festival、中秋节:The Mid-Autumn festival 、重阳节:The double ninth festival 、冬至:Winter solstice、 腊八节:thelaba 、祭灶节:People's day 除夕:New Year's eve
第1个回答  2011-12-09
除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve / Eve of the Spring Festival
元宵节: Lantern Festival
清明节:Tomb sweeping day
端午节:Dragon Boat Festival
七夕: Chinese Valentine's Day / The Seventh Evening of the Seventh Month Festival / July 7th Festival
中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day
重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival
腊八节:thelaba 、
祭灶节:People's day
第2个回答  2011-12-09
除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve / Eve of the Spring Festival
元宵节: Lantern Festival
清明节:Tomb sweeping day
端午节:Dragon Boat Festival
七夕: Chinese Valentine's Day / The Seventh Evening of the Seventh Month Festival / July 7th Festival
中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day
重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival