

Lynn and Dick

Lynn: Hey, Dick, long time no see
Dick: Yeah, how’s it going?
Lynn: Hard to say it. There are always so many things to do in the ending of a semester.
Dick: You got it. So many papers are waiting for me.
Lynn: So, how is the CET6 last week?
Dick: Oh no. Forget it. It just killed me in a cruelest way!
Lynn: Ha. OK. But don’t worry much about. You know. Miracle is everywhere.
Dick: This is how I persuade myself. What’s worse! The final exam is coming!
Lynn: You’ve got a great grade last semester, haven’t you?
Dick: Yeah, but I am quite out of confidence.
Lynn: Me, too. You know, I have many courses about computer and program. Oh god, I just can help to have a willingness to escape from them!
Dick: Poor guy. My sister used to learn it, too and you know, just like you.
Lynn: Have you started to review all of your courses.
Dick: Almost. There are so many guys in the library. I just hardly can find a seat.
Lynn: As usual ha. But I go to library early. So it is easy for me to get a seat.
Dick: HA, maybe next time you can spare a seat for me
Lynn: No problem.
Dick: When will you go back home?
Lynn: Maybe three days after the final exams.
Dick: There will be a long vocation in this winter. Do you have any plan for it?
Lynn: I am not so sure about this. You know after Spring Festival there is still long time to waste.
Dick: Yeah, I am thinking about that too.
Lynn: Have you thought about to go on a trip.
Dick: Ha. You got my idea. You know I’ve got a scholarship. And I want to start a short trip with it.
Lynn: I also save some money by part-time job.
Dick: So cool! Let’s have a further discussion about it!
Lynn: Okay~, go!

楼主自己写的啊~~~ 好吧~具体可以楼主看看,内容比较泛,我觉得是比较像日常对话那种自由哈~涵盖了四六级,期末考,寒假,寒假计划(去旅游)。




哈哈 太浪费啦~ 对话OK不?有什么问题楼主说下,我可以相应修改下的~




原创是肯定的!这类东西不难,就是写蛮花时间的。期末本来我不太答这类题的,不过看到只要两个角色5分钟才写的。。。而且,看到楼主提了两个问题!觊觎悬赏分哈哈 翻译

Lynn: Hey, Dick, long time no see 嗨,Dick好久不见
Dick: Yeah, how’s it going? 是啊,最近好吗?
Lynn: Hard to say it. There are always so many things to do in the ending of a semester.
很难说哈。 到了期末总是有很多东西要做。
Dick: You got it. So many papers are waiting for me. 说到点上了!好多论文等着我写啊
Lynn: So, how is the CET6 last week? 上周的六级考试怎样?
Dick: Oh no. Forget it. It just killed me in a cruelest way! 哦!不!别提他。 简直杀了我!
Lynn: Ha. OK. But don’t worry much about. You know. Miracle is everywhere.
哈,好吧。 不过别担心太多。你知道的,奇迹无处不在哈
Dick: This is how I persuade myself. What’s worse! The final exam is coming!
Lynn: You’ve got a great grade last semester, haven’t you?
Dick: Yeah, but I am quite out of confidence.
Lynn: Me, too. You know, I have many courses about computer and program. Oh god, I just can help to have a willingness to escape from them! 我也是!你知道,我这学期有很多计算机的课程。天啊!忍不住想把他们甩得远远地。
Dick: Poor guy. My sister used to learn it, too and you know, just like you. 可怜的娃,我姐姐以前也是学这个的,她跟你一样哈
Lynn: Have you started to review all of your courses.
Dick: Almost. There are so many guys in the library. I just hardly can find a seat.
Lynn: As usual ha. But I go to library early. So it is easy for me to get a seat.
Dick: HA, maybe next time you can spare a seat for me
Lynn: No problem.





Dick: When will you go back home? 你什么时候回家?
Lynn: Maybe three days after the final exams. 考完试三天后左右吧
Dick: There will be a long vocation in this winter. Do you have any plan for it?
Lynn: I am not so sure about this. You know after Spring Festival there is still long time to waste.
Dick: Yeah, I am thinking about that too.
Lynn: Have you thought about to go on a trip.
Dick: Ha. You got my idea. You know I’ve got a scholarship. And I want to start a short trip with it.
哈 正中我意。我这学期不是拿了奖学金吗。 想着用这个钱去旅游啊~
Lynn: I also save some money by part-time job. 我做兼职也存了一些钱
Dick: So cool! Let’s have a further discussion about it! 不错嘛。我们进一步稍微讨论下吧~
Lynn: Okay~, go! 好啊~走吧~







期末在线频率可能稍微低点, 有问题的话可以百度hi 我,有问题,希望是小问题(不是这类对话,作文,长篇翻译的话都OK),因为期末复习阶段真蛮紧的时间,答题很多时候我都是想放松下。太费时间的话蛮难搞的。我又不好意思拒绝是吧。。。。T_T。

PS 楼主不要再在这追问啦~ 超过三次追问后是要加10个财富的~ 你不心疼你的钱我心疼啊~虽然我用扣哈~ 还有什么要追问的话再哪个问题上追问吧。希望楼主一次说清,我们要断网的,速度解决~
