



1、Hop in, I'll drive you home.快上车吧,我开车送你回家。

2、The flowers of the hop plant add bitterness to the beer.忽布花可增加啤酒的苦味。

3、A robin was hopping around on the path.一只知更鸟在小路上跳来跳去。

4、The clubs in town are really hopping.城里的俱乐部真够热闹的。

5、Go on, hop it!快点走开!

6、I hopped on the next train.我跳上了下一列火车。

7、He crossed the hall with a hop,skip and a jump.他来了一个三级跳远穿过了大厅。

8、We hopped over to Paris for the weekend.我们冲到巴黎去过了个周末。

9、That made me hopping mad and determined to prove him wrong.那使我极为恼火,下决心要证明他是错的。

10、The family's hopping mad that she left them nothing.这家人因为她什么也没有给他们留下而气得跳脚。

11、His plans almost caught security chiefs and hotel staff on the hop.他的计划几乎让安全主管和饭店工作人员都措手不及。

12、My wife and I were the first to arrive and hopped on board.我和妻子是最早赶到登船的。

13、They were afraid of being turned down when they asked girls to dance at high school hops.他们在中学社交舞会上邀请女孩子跳舞时,害怕会遭到拒绝。
