
as the penetration levels increase; Wind Farm Dispatching(dispatchability)
penetration 和 dispatch 在风力发电的文献中用得非常多,我一直不知道对应中文的什么词??请好心人帮忙解决翻译一下 谢谢!

penetration本意是穿透,侵入,渗入的意思,如果你指的是wind power penetration/integration level 的话,这里引申为“占有率”,指风力发电在整个发电总量里面的占有率。
引一段维。 基上的解释:Wind energy "penetration" refers to the fraction of energy produced by wind compared with the total available generation capacity.

dispatch是派遣、调度的意思,通常认为风力发电是non-dispatchable并且是 intermittent energy,说风力不可控,是间歇性能源。通常在描述风力发电的局限性时被提到。你提到的wind farm dispatching可以译成,风电场的调度或风电场的作业安排,和regulation的意思差不多。
第1个回答  2017-06-12
penetration本意是穿透,侵入,渗入的意思,如果你指的是wind power penetration/integration level 的话,这里引申为“占有率”,指风力发电在整个发电总量里面的占有率。
引一段维。 基上的解释:Wind energy "penetration" refers to the fraction of energy produced by wind compared with the total available generation capacity.

dispatch是派遣、调度的意思,通常认为风力发电是non-dispatchable并且是 intermittent energy,说风力不可控,是间歇性能源。通常在描述风力发电的局限性时被提到。你提到的wind farm dispatching可以译成,风电场的调度或风电场的作业安排,和regulation的意思差不多。
第2个回答  2017-05-08
Penetration-Wind Power Penetration: 风能发电渗透性。意思就是风能在整个发电生产途径中所占的比例。如:Compensating active power imbalances in power system with large-scale wind power penetration
dispatchability : Dispatchable energy sources are those sources that can be ramped up or shut down in a relatively short amount of time. This could refer to time intervals of a few seconds up to a couple of hours. Dispatchable power sources are what we turn to when we need guaranteed power. There are many different distinct uses for this guaranteed power, which we go into later in this article.
dispatchability: 供电调度能力,在短时间内根据需求调度供电的能力,与风能发电相关就是关于风能发电是否能满足用电需求方面的及时能力。
第3个回答  2017-04-10
penetration 名词 渗透, 穿透能力。water penetration 渗水
dispatchability 名词 配置能力。dispatch 动词 派遣,发送。加上ability后缀,表示.......的能力。
第4个回答  2017-04-24
penetration 英 [penɪ'treɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [,pɛnɪ'treʃən]
n. 渗透;突破;侵入;洞察力