请用“it was/+is 被强调部分+that+剩余部分…”造下列句子,如下:

请用“it was/+is 被强调部分+that+剩余部分…”造下列句子,如下:直到她妈妈下班回家这个孩子才上床睡觉。

It was until is mother came home after work that he went to bed.
It is until all the fish died out in the river that the people in the village realize how serious it is.
It was the check which was come out by the bank that I heard.
It was they that hoped us solve the problem by team work.
I did heard the check which was come out by the bank.
第1个回答  2017-01-24
It was not untill her mother came home from work that the kid went to bed.
It was not until all the fish in the river were dead that the villagers realized how severe the pollution was.
It was true that I heard the band used to issue two million-dollar bank notes.
It was true that they hope we could solve the problem by cooperating as a team.