


Egg shaped curves:

Sei P1 = (x1,y1) ein Punkt des Kreises um (0,d) mit Radius a.
(1) (x1-d)^2 + y1^2 = a^2
Sei P2 = (x2,y2) ein Punkt des Kreises um (0,0) mit Radius b.
(2) x2^2 + y2^2 = b^2
Seien die Punkte P1 und P2 auf einer Geraden durch den Ursprung.
(3) y1/x1 = y2/x2

Gesucht ist die Gleichung fuer Q = (x1,y2).
Vorgehen: Elimination der Variablen x2 und y1.
Loese (1) nach y1^2 auf und (2) nach x2^2 auf.
(1') y1^2 = a^2 - (x1-d)^2
(2') x2^2 = b^2 - y2^2
Quadriere (3).
(3') x2^2 y1^2 = x1^2 y2^2
Setze (1') und (2') in (3') ein.
(4) (b^2 - y2^2)(a^2 - (x1-d)^2) = x1^2 y2^2
Transformation x1 - d -> x und y2 -> y.
(5) (b^2 - y^2)(a^2 - x^2) = (x+d)^2 y^2
(6) b^2 x^2 + a^2 y^2 + 2d xy^2 + d^2 y^2 = a^2 b^2
(7) x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 (1 + (2dx+d^2)/a^2) = 1

Du siehst, fuer d=0 gibt es die Ellipsengleichung in (a,b) Form.

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P1 (x1, y1) 是圆心为(0,d) ,半径a的圆,方程为
(x1-d)^2 +y1^2 = a^2 (1)
P2 (x2, y2) 是圆心为(0,0 ) ,半径b的圆,方程为
x2^2 + y2^2 = b^2 (2)
连接P1 和P2 直线方程
y1/x1 = y2/x2 (3)

寻找Q (x1, y2) 关于变量(x1, y2)的等式
过程如下: 消除变量x2 和y1.
消除(1) 中的y1^2和(2) 的x2^2,得到
y1^2 = a^2 - (x1-d)^2 (1')
x2^2 = b^2 - y2^2 (2')
将 (3)式平方,得到
x2^2 y1^2 = x1^2 y2^2 (3')
将(1')和 (2') 带入(3') 得到
(4) (b^2 - y2^2)(a^2 - (x1-d)^2) = x1^2 y2^2

设x1 - d 为x 及 y2 为 y,得方程
(b^2 - y^2)(a^2 - x^2) = (x+d)^2 y^2 (5)

b^2 x^2 + a^2 y^2 + 2d xy^2 + d^2 y^2 = a^2 b^2 (6)
x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 (1 + (2dx+d^2)/a^2) = 1 (7)

可以知道, 当d=0 ,它就是椭圆方程的形式。

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Mechanical egg curve construction by a two bar linkage - a quartic

/ /
B /
/ /
/ /

Let Q and P be points on a horizontal axis. Q is fixed.
The two bars of the linkage are QA and PA.
Let QA = r, AP = a, BP = b. (Note that a need not be greater than r.)
Now A can be moved around Q on a circular track. Thereby
P is moving forth and back. The track of B is an egg curve.
B need no be between A and P. Let Q be the origin of a coordinate
system. Then the resulting quatic curve is symmetric in x and y.
So it actually describes two eggs.
Such a divise has been described by [Karl Mocnik 1998].
An interactive web page with such a linkage is
www.museo.unimo.it/theatrum/macchine/ sistema biella-manovella.
For r=2, a=3, b=2 we get a nice egg curve.

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/ /
B /
/ /
/ /
让Q 和P 是点在一个水平的轴。Q 是固定的。
联结两个连杆QA 和PA 。
让QA = r, AP = a, BP = b 。(注意a可以不大于r 。)
现在A 在Q 附近的一条圆轨道移动。从而P可以前后移动。B 轨道就是蛋曲线,另种说法为卵形曲线。
B 可以不在A 和P 之间。让Q 是座标系的原点 。然后得到的四次方曲线是关于x 和y轴对称 。
[ Karl Mocnik 1998]描述了这样方法。
www.museo.unimo.it/theatrum/macchine/ sistema biella manovella。
当r=2, a=3, b=2 就可以得到好的蛋曲线。
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Polynomials making chains of eggs:
Let f(x) = (x-x1)(x-x2)...(x-xn) be a polynomial
with distinct real roots x1, x2, ... xn.

Example: f(x) for n=4 looks like this

x x x x
x x x x
x x x x

The equation y^2 = f(x) will have two eggs in [x1,x2] and [x3,x4].
With 2n roots we can create a chain of n eggs in this way.

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让f(x) = (x-x1)(x-x2)... (x-xn) 是多项式,并有相异的实根x1, x2... xn 。

当n=4 ,f(x) 看起来象这样

x x x x
x x x x
x x x x

等式y^2 = f(x) 将有二个蛋,参数分别为[ x1, x2 ] 和[ x3,x4 ] 。
2n 个根我们能创造n 蛋链。

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Newton's cubic: Elliptic curve
y^2 = x(x+a)(x+b) three real and unequal roots 0, -a, -b

, , | '
' ' , | '
' ' |'
, , |,
, , ' | ,
' ' | ,

Another parametrization which gives better control of the shape
a^2 b y^2 = c^2 (x + a)(x - a)(x - b) with 0 < a < b

, ,A ' A = (0, c)
' ' , '
' ' '
- -a -----0----- +a -----b------------------
, , ,
, , ' ,
' ' ,

The maximal value occures at x = (b - sqrt(b^2 + 3a^2))/3.
The radius of curvature of a parabola y^2 = 2px at x=0 is p.
Let f(x) = (x + a)(x - a)(x - b) then f'(a) = 2a(a-b) and
f'(-a) = 2a(a+b). Therefore the radius of curvature of the
egg at x=a is c^2(1/a - 1/b) and at x=-a it is c^2(1/a + 1/b).

Double Egg quartic:
y^2 = -c(x+a)(x-a)(x+b)(x-b) = -c(x^2 - a^2)(x^2 - b^2)
Special case of the polynomial egg chain.

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Newton's 立方体: 椭圆曲线
y^2 = x(x+a)(x+b) 三个不等的实根0, - a, - b

, , | '
' ' , | '
' ' |'
, , |,
, , ' | ,
' ' | ,

a^2 b y^2 = c^2 (x + a)(x - a)(x - b) ,0 < a< b

, ,A ' A = (0, c)
' ' , '
' ' '
- -a -----0----- +a -----b------------------
, , ,
, , ' ,
' ' ,

最大值在x = (b - sqrt(b^2 + 3a^2))/3 处。
抛物线y^2 = 2px 的曲率半径,在x=0 时是p 。
令f(x) = (x + a)(x - a)(x - b)
则f '(a) = 2a(a-b) 和f '(-a) = 2a(a+b) 。
所以蛋形曲率半径在x=a 时是c^2(1/a - 1/b) 并且在x=-a 时它是c^2(1/a+ 1/b) 。

y^2 = - c(x+a)(x-a)(x+b)(x-b) = - c(x^2 - a^2)(x^2 - b^2)

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Apollonian cubic:
(x-a)(x^2 + y^2) + bx + cy = 0

Given two line segments, what is the locus of the points P
from which the angles viewing the segments are equal.

A--------------B |

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Apollonian 立方体:
(x-a)(x^2 + y^2) + bx + cy = 0

给定两个线段, P是观查线段段角度相等的点轨迹(不太明白这句话)。

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其他方法在这个网页上 http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~sillke/PUZZLES/egg-curves
