
Cross the stream where it is shallowest.这句中的where it is shallowest是否修饰Cross?
Where I live there are plenty of sheep. 能改为 I live where there are plenty of sheep 吗?
where wherever anywhere分别在什么时候用?

where it is shallowest 做状语从句修饰动词cross
第二句可以改,where i live there are plenty of sheep 中 where i live 是状语从句修饰主句
there are plenty of sheep 说明哪里羊很多 , I live where are plenty of sheep中 I live 是主句
where there are plenty of sheep 做状语从句修饰主句 I live
1. where 的基本意思是在哪里,去哪里 有以下用法:
用作引导直接或间接疑问句 例:Where are you going ? I wonder where she lives .
用作引起定语,宾语,表语从句 This is the town where I was born . He knows where you live .
That's where the battle took place .
2. wherever的意思是无论在哪里,在任何。。。的地方, 只要有(可能/必要) 有以下用法
做连词引导从句 Wherever he goes , I'll go . You can go whereve you want .
We aim to reduce prices wherever possible .只要有可能我们就打算降价。
做副词 例: Go ahead and sit wherever . 来吧, 随便坐。
用来代替where作为强调形式 例: Wherever did you find him ? 你究竟是在哪找到他的?
3. anywhere的基本意思是在任何地方,往任何地方 用法如下
用作副词 例:I‘m not going anywhere today . 我今天哪儿也不去。
用作代词 It's a tiny island a long way from anywhere . 那是个离哪儿都很远的小岛。