

why do we learn english
English is the most-widely used language in th World. In order to communicate with other people effectively and learn the advance science and technology from other people, we need to learn English a...

daphnezq2 - 2006-5-19 23:25 - 最佳回答者: 你好_我来也 - 外语/出国

演讲题目:Why we should learn English.
Sometimes, we ask ourselves: “why do we learn English?” then the answer is, simply, to succeed in the exams. Everybody knows that English is a good medium of communication, within the world, so we...

寄居小螃蟹 - 2006-5-25 18:14 - 最佳回答者: 供应钢丝钢丝绳 - 外语/出国

Do you think it matters what kind of English you learn?Why?
...as we define it), people know who you are. if you can speak english in a totally british accent,... and that's why i don't encourage my students to learn slangs. there are other kinds of english to...

zengsiying - 2005-9-19 22:53 - 最佳回答者: 待定 - 外语/出国

why should you learn english when it is not your mother l...
Those mistakes are translating English into different languages, don’t learn vocabulary as much a... Second, I would like to show about how best we can utilize our English skills by learning more voca...

nell301 - 2007-5-28 16:51 - 最佳回答者: 安吉金 - 外语/出国

...English. If you are good at English,You can chat with English and American.You can make more friends Sometimes, we ask ourselves: “why do we learn English?” then the answer is, simply, to...

童心2006 - 2006-10-12 00:16 - 最佳回答者: zhangxuxin8765 - 外语/出国

帮我写一篇How do you learn English的文章(英文的)
...English learning ways as we may combine English with some certain scenes to deepen our memory. Sp... the Chinese-to-English translation is comparatively easier. How do you learn English grammar? ...>>2个相似问题

我爱切葱头 - 2007-6-10 14:05 - 最佳回答者: 待定 - 外语/出国

Do you like English or Chinese? Why??
I like them both,Chinese is our mother tongue,it's a shame that we know little about it.English can broaden our scope,it's a very useful language,too.So I'll work hard to learn them.

xjlycg - 2006-6-4 09:28 - 最佳回答者: 大漠中的小强 - 外语/出国

Do language (English) become simpler and simpler? Why?
Yes. I do think so. Te some extent, it is getting simpler and simpler in my opinion because of the... Through years of practice, we found many good and right ways to learn and use English, not just re...

gacktc - 2006-1-15 10:27 - 最佳回答者: wingswhisper - 外语/出国

为什么学英语(用英文回答) 急啊!!!!!
Sometimes, we ask ourselves: “why do we learn English?” then the answer is, simply, to succeed in the exams. Everybody knows that English is a good medium of communication, within the world, so we...

醒目★☆ - 2007-7-17 11:54 - 最佳回答者: RippleMars - 外语/出国

W hy do you study English .
if we learn that. that means we can going to the world. china will be more powerful than before. we want to make our country more powerful. so that why do we want to study english.>>2个相似问题

85853696 - 2007-6-22 08:26 - 最佳回答者: 魔之夭夭 - 外语/出国

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第1个回答  2007-07-25
Many people all over the world speak English as their second language. It is not too much to say that it has become an international language.

Studying English can make life fun. It enables you to watch American movies, read English books and listen to English songs. Moreover, as English is an international language, you will be able to communicate with foreigners when you are on a trip abroad. Traveling will be more interesting that way.

It is a good idea to make friends with foreigners. In my opinion, it is the best way to improve your English. In addition, it will be fun and it will expand your view of the world. If you make friends with a native speaker, you can practice your spoken English more often and then you can communicate with people around the world. You can also become familiar with the customs and habits of different cultures.

There are some people who are afraid to make friends with foreigners because they are not confident of their English. However, many foreigners do not care about grammar. They will get your key words in the sentence and figure out the whole meanings. Therefore, it is unnecessary to be afraid to make friends with them; just go head!

Learning English helps us meet different people and learn more about their culture, thus facilitating mutual understanding and harmony. Briefly said, English is so useful to us that we should all learn it.本回答被提问者采纳