
He was tried but got off because there wasn
't sufficient evidence ( ) him guilty of the crime
A.proving B.to prove

He was tried but got off because there wasn't sufficient evidence ( ) him guilty of the crime
A.proving B.to prove
析:此题要解释清楚,有些难度。因现在分词和不定式都可作there be +名词的后置定语。如:There is a man waiting for you at the school gate. 校门口有一男子在等你。
=There is a man who is waiting for you at the school gate.
I will get up late tomorrow because there is nothing to do. 明天我要晚起因为没有什么事可做。=..... there is nothing for me to do. = ...... there is nothing that I can do.
评: 值得注意的是此句中there be 句型为否定句很有关系。如为肯定句,则用现在分词的可能性很大,这时只表示主动,并不表示进行,以下是google的结果:
“there was sufficient evidence proving" 找到约 21,300 条结果 :
1. Although the court was satisfied that there was sufficient evidence proving that the merger would eliminate a rival in the market, the testimony and evidence ...
2. He held an inquest and believed there was sufficient evidence proving that miracles had truly taken place.
3. They were punished for rape, I'm sure there was sufficient evidence proving it, or they'd be acquitted, seriously.
但是,如为否定句:“there wasn't sufficient evidence proving" 获得 3 条结果 :
1. ... the federal program for the elderly and disabled, explicitly denied coverage of artificial hearts, finding that there wasn't sufficient evidence proving ...
2. He probably wasn't prosecuted because either there wasn't sufficient evidence proving his guilt or charges were not pressed because he ...
3. ... explicitly denied coverage of artificial hearts, finding that there wasn't sufficient evidence proving their safety and effectiveness. ... (实为第一句)
而用不定式的,否定的:“there wasn't sufficient evidence to prove" 找到约 6,380 条结果:
1. Batali and Bastianich had argued that there wasn't sufficient evidence to prove the policy was the same across all of their restaurants; however, ...
2. Anthony Ho, attorney for Kalichari, says there wasn't sufficient evidence to prove that this is how it went down.
3. It wasn't that there wasn't sufficient evidence to prove common assault but that more than six months passed while they investigated.
He was tried for theft but got off because there wasn't sufficient _____ against him.
A. evidence B. reason C. excuse D. opinion
第1个回答  2011-08-25
Do you want to see the doctor to be sent for from Beijing?
Do you want to see the doctor working on the case report in the office?

2、被修饰的名词前有序数词、形容词最高级或next, second, last, only和not a,the等限定词时候,只能用不定式。

3、在there be句型中,用动词不定式的情况比较常见,如There is a lot to do/to be done,There are many books to read/to be read,There’s nothing to say/to be said等。


第2个回答  2011-08-24
选A,具体的我也不知道,反正就是选A。高考之后好长时间没碰英语了。 有这个语法,就是,there be +V-ing 的形式,看后来的那个句子,我想应该是选a吧。
第3个回答  2011-08-24
He was tried but got off because there wasn't sufficient evidence ( B ) him guilty of the crime
A.proving B.to prove
第4个回答  2011-08-24
b正确,因为“have 和there be”句型中名词的定语用不定式