急!急!急! 求翻译 要通顺的

begin putting food on your plate from the serving bowls or plates when they are passed to you. Use the utensil in the bowl (usually a large spoon or fork ) instead of your own.
begin eating only when the host and hostess have vegun eating, not before. This is usually when all the pwople at the table have put their food on their plates.
Try not to spit anywhere. If there are bones in your mouth, take them out with your fingers. Put the bones on the edge of plate, not on the table. Then wipe your hands with your napkin.
If soup is served, use a spoon to eat it . Lift up the edge of the bowl closest to you in order to spoon up all the soup.
If there is some food that is not near, you don't reach for it . Ask someone to pass it to you, say, "Please pass the potatoes."
Try not to belch out loud. If you sneeze or blow your nose (into your handkerchief), say "Excuse me."

第1个回答  2011-08-24
begin putting food on your plate from the serving bowls or plates when they are passed to you.当碗和碟子传到你的时候就应该放食物上去.
Use the utensil in the bowl (usually a large spoon or fork ) instead of your own. 用碗里面的餐具(一般都是大勺子和大叉子)而不是你自己带来的.
begin eating only when the host and hostess have vegun(你打错了是begun吧) eating, not before. 当房东或女房东开始吃的时候你再开始,不要比他们先开始.
This is usually when all the pwople(是people吧) at the table have put their food on their plates.(..有压力)
Try not to spit anywhere.尝试不要吃到哪里都是.(就是吃的时候的汁都飞了)
If there are bones in your mouth, take them out with your fingers.(如果有骨头在你的口里面,用手指把他们拿出来)
Put the bones on the edge of plate, not on the table. Then wipe your hands with your napkin.(把骨头放在碟子的边那,别放在桌子上.然后用餐巾擦擦你的手)
If soup is served, use a spoon to eat it . Lift up the edge of the bowl closest to you in order to spoon up all the soup.(如果有汤水,用勺子去喝.举起碗的边靠近自己方便喝到所有的汤)
If there is some food that is not near, you don't reach for it . Ask someone to pass it to you, say, "Please pass the potatoes."(如果有的食物离你不是很近,你不能拿到.就这样问他们''请他们传递马铃薯给

Try not to belch out loud. If you sneeze or blow your nose (into your handkerchief), say "Excuse me."(尝试不要打嗝的时候太大声,如果打喷嚏或者擦鼻涕,要说''不好意思''