
工作内容 1.接受客户的反馈意见 2.及时与客户沟通交流并得到客户的理解 3.对客户的意见做好详细的记录 4.及时地向上级反映情况并作后续处理工作职责 1.礼貌接待客户打来的电话 2.做好和客户的交流和接待工作 3.与客户谈判具体细节,让对方满意. 4.维护客户关系 做好跟踪记录

work material: 1. accept the answering advice from our guests 2. conmmunicate and try our best to get understanding from our guests at once.3. record the advice from our guests carefully.4. reflecting the situation we face in our work to our guiders and do the later work well.
1. answering the telephone politely
2 communicate well and welcome the guests well
3 talk with our guests carefully and politely and try our best to make them satisfied
4 protect the relationship between our guests and us and record the answers well