
今天我很高兴站在这里给大家演讲,我要讲的都是我的心里话,我是一个外向、幽默和滑稽的人,我认为幽默可以使大家开心,也可以让我交到许多朋友,是的,我的幽默使我交了许多朋友,但是因为我过度的滑稽也使得一些同学很不喜欢我。我这样自毁形象只是为了让大家开心而已。 就这样,谢谢谢谢了,不是很长,应该好翻译吧,我只是担心我翻译的不够标准。。

Today I am very happy to stand here to give you a speech, I want to tell you is the words of my heart, I am a outgoing, humor and funny, I think humor can make everyone happy, also can let I have many friends, yes, my humor that I made many friends, but because of my excessive funny also makes some students is not like me. I this destructive image just in order to make everyone happy just.

destructive humor 这两个单词能给我音标吗?我不会读


destructive: [dɪ'strʌktɪv]   humor :['hjumɚ]

第1个回答  2011-09-29
I am pleased to stand here today to lecture you, I want to say is my truth, I am a outgoing, humorous and funny and I think humor can make you happy, you can also handed me many friends, Yes, my sense of humor that I have made many friends, but also funny because I made over a number of students do not like me. I am so self-destructive image it just to make us happy.
第2个回答  2011-09-29
I am pleased to stand here today to lecture you, I want to say is my truth, I am a outgoing, humorous and funny and I think humor can make you happy, you can also handed me many friends, Yes, my sense of humor that I have made many friends, but also funny because I made over a number of students do not like me. I am so self-destructive image it just to make us happy. 我建议你自己翻译一下下 因为那样会流露真情追问


第3个回答  2011-09-29
Today I am very glad to stand here and give you a speech, I want to say is the words of my heart, I am a outgoing, humorous and funny man, I think humor can make you happy, also can let me make many friends, yes, my humor that I make a lot of friends, but because I am over funny also makes some students don't like me. I like the self-destruction image just in order to make everyone happy. 应该是这样。