英语翻译,要用过去式 急 昨天晚上,我做了一个梦,梦见自己来到了童话世界,我是一个魔法

英语翻译,要用过去式 急 昨天晚上,我做了一个梦,梦见自己来到了童话世界,我是一个魔法师,想变什么都能变出来。我来到了沙漠,那里到处是沙子,我挥了一下手,天空中下起了一场大雨,沙漠上有水了,我又飞呀飞,飞到了海上,突然魔法不见了,我一直往下掉,啊!

last night I had a dream that I came to the fairy tale world. I am a magician and can get whatever I want. I came to the desert where there are lots of sand around us. I waved my hand, it broght rains. hence there are water in the desert. I keep flying, come over to the sea. However, the magic perwer vanish suddently, I fall off the sky.....ah.....
第1个回答  2015-06-02
Last night I had a dream. In the dream , I was in another world and I became a magician, who could make anything by magic. I got to a world of desert and there was sand all around me . I waved my hand in the air and there was a heavy rain , as a result, water appeared in the desert. I flew and flew , then I found myself above the sea . Suddenly, I lost all magic and began to fall . I was scared to death.