英语作文 你的朋友不适应新的学校生活,你应该怎样建议她





Dear Tom,I am sorry to hear that you' re having trouble adjusting to your high school life.Actually,many freshmen are confused about high school life,so don't worry about it too much.I'm writing to offer you some useful advice.

First,I recommend that you sign up for extra-curricular activities,which can help you make more new friends.In this way you won't feel lonely and your school life will become colorful and interesting.Second,you should make a good schedule and focus on improving your study.As a teenager,it is our responsibility to study well.I hope my suggestions will be suitable for you.




Hello, Wang Ming. I know you are not used to the new school life. It's hard to fully adapt to the life of the new school a few weeks after you've just arrived there.

Last year, when I first arrived at the new school, I had the same experience as you. So I listened to some suggestions from teachers and classmates there and I would like to share this suggestion with you. I hope it can help you.

First,go to the library to find some books to read, so that you don't feel bored and lonely.You can also join different clubs or groups and participate in different activities, which will help you to make more friends and so on. You can even go to the local community center to do some volunteer work, which will be very good opportunity, let you have some work experience, and expand your social network.You are so smart and brave, I believe you will get better soon.




Dear Ted, I'm sorry to hear that you are having difficulties adapting to the new environment.Let me share a personal experience with you.When I was eleven,my family moved and I was sent to another school.At that time,I also had a hard time.However,I did my best to adapt the new school,and I gradually became popular in the school.

Adapting new school is not difficult.First,make an impressive self-introduction in front of the class,so your classmates can get to know you better.Then,find a classmate with the same interest and get close to him.A good friend will help you know the new school better.At last,try to join in the conversations which will help you know better about the school.If you follow all these tips,you will definitely adapt the new school soon.




第1个回答  2023-03-07
If your friend is having a hard time adjusting to the new school life, here are some suggestions you can offer:

1. 给予支持:作为朋友,你需要给予她足够的支持,让她感到你的关心和支持;

2. 关注问题:关注她在学校生活中遇到的问题,积极与她交流,了解她的情况;

3. 建议她多参加活动:建议她多参加学校的活动,加入自己喜欢的社团或者兴趣小组,以便结识更多的人和交到好朋友;

4. 帮忙适应新环境:帮助她适应新的环境和生活方式,了解学校的规定和流程;

5. 鼓励她积极面对困难:鼓励她积极面对所遇到的困难,相信自己并不断尝试。
第2个回答  2015-11-08
Hope you can quickly adapt to the school life in the school study happily本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2011-10-01