
The Generation-gap

Generation-gap are this word familiar with you? yes I think you are. Because now the word become more and more popular in the entire world. Whether you from west or east there must has a problem called

Generation-gap between young and older.
Why would this happen? I think one of the reason is the world rapidly improvement. Something we think it's good but our parent don't. For example one of my friend she is a very fashionable girl one day she

bought a very short skirt for her birthday party. Actually I believe it's pretty good on her, but at the night she didn't wore that skirt to her party, I asked she why,she told me that she's parent had seen

that skirt and they believe the skirt is too short and too hot . They would never agree her to take this. She complained to me that she parent is so traditional. In this point i do agree with her. What a

matter to a girl wanna wear more fashionable in her birthday party? Beside she already 21 years old.
But if we just thinking in our way we will be never peace with our parent. We got to figure out a way to solve the problem, what i did is a talk,a gentle talk and it works. I believe if we tald our parent

what we think and listen what they think we maybe can meet each other in half way. That would be great. For what i have through in the past I decided to not limit my child in the future and be a good friend

good listener and good talker of them. I believe in the future there will not a problem called Generation-gap. At least not in my family.

The Generation-gap


Generation-gap are this word familiar with you? yes I think you are. Because now the word become more and more popular in the entire world. Whether you from west or east there must has a problem called


Generation-gap between young and older.


Why would this happen? I think one of the reason is the world rapidly improvement. Something we think it's good but our parent don't. For example one of my friend she is a very fashionable girl one day she


bought a very short skirt for her birthday party. Actually I believe it's pretty good on her, but at the night she didn't wore that skirt to her party, I asked she why,she told me that she's parent had seen


that skirt and they believe the skirt is too short and too hot . They would never agree her to take this. She complained to me that she parent is so traditional. In this point i do agree with her. What a


matter to a girl wanna wear more fashionable in her birthday party? Beside she already 21 years old.


But if we just thinking in our way we will be never peace with our parent. We got to figure out a way to solve the problem, what i did is a talk,a gentle talk and it works. I believe if we tald our parent


what we think and listen what they think we maybe can meet each other in half way. That would be great. For what i have through in the past I decided to not limit my child in the future and be a good friend


good listener and good talker of them. I believe in the future there will not a problem called Generation-gap. At least not in my family.

第1个回答  2011-10-02
1.Generation-gap are this word familiar with you? are---is;with--to
2.called Generation-gap between young and older. older--old
3. I think one of the reason is the world rapidly improvement reason--reasons
4. she didn't wore that skirt to her party wore--wear
5.and they believe the skirt is too short and too hot believe--believed
6.She complained to me that she parent is so traditional. to--with;she--her
7.Beside she already 21 years old. she后边加is