初中英语作文 80词。

Ⅺ .书面表达: ( 计 15 分 ) 紧张而忙碌的初中生活即将过去,回顾一下,你在课业学习、体育运动、人际交往、家务劳动等方面做得如何?对照下表,作一下自我评价吧!请按照所给提示,写一篇不少于80个词的短文,文中不得出现真实的地名和人名. 提示:1.对表中四项内容,作出“不够好”、“好”、或“很好”的选择,并打“√”; 2.对你完成的自我评价表作简要介绍; 3.从表中任选一项内容,对你的自我评价作详细说明; 4.针对自我评价,简要谈谈你将来的打算. Self-evaluation (自我评价) School subjects Playing sports Communicating with others Doing chores at home Future resolution I am going to …

Eelf-evaluation As we are approaching school leaving age .we are very love the life now.Maybe oneday we will remember the life now .now talk about something in our school.I think my school subjects is very well for i try my best to do the study.The playing sports is good too but not as good as the study.The communication with others is not so good for i seldom talk with others .The doing chores at home is very good to me .because i always do homework at my home .and my mother is very happy . In the future I want to be a teacher .For my teacher is very kind and help me a lot on my study. 仅供参考啊。。。 加油哦。。。
第1个回答  2014-07-28
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