有关于交通规则的作文 要有英语和中文不少于60个单词 先悬赏5 额外加15


One must has a driving license if he/she wants to drive. For road safety, remember to wear safety seat belt while you are on a car. We must obey the traffic lights when driving on roads.
Don't drive above the speed limit of the highway or you can have an accident. We must give way to emergency vehicles (such as police car, fire engine, ambulance etc.)
如果有人要开车, 必须有驾驶执照。为道路安全著想,当你在车上时记得佩戴安全带。在道路上行驶时, 我们必须遵守交通灯的指示。在高速公路上, 不要超过车速限制,否则可做成意外。我们必须让路给紧急车辆(如警车,消防车,救护车等).
第1个回答  2011-09-25
Traffic jam is a very serious problem in Guangzhou The streets are always full of buses,cars and bikes.Some people do not follow the traffic rules.To improve the traffic in Guangzhou,I think,first,everyone in Guangzhou,especially those who drive or walk in the street should follow the traffic rules.Second,we should encourage people to use public transport so as to ease the traffic flow Third,the government should widen or build more roads to provide better traffic conditions.
我一个字一个字打出来的 希望采纳— —!本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-09-24
你6年级吧, 交通灯traffic light 交通规则 traffic rule 交通 traffic
第3个回答  2016-01-03