
求分析leadership和political views,简单概括几句就行了

Stalin: A ruthless polition, his five year plans and great purges caused the death of millions of people. Economically, he is a staunch Marxist, using state monoplism,centralk planning and mass mobilization to creat a socialism econonmy, where almost everything was owned by state. However, his political skills are one of the greatest in world history, using terror and press censorship to control the Soviet Union.
Trotsky, A moderate socialist, he is a firm advocate for the NEP(new economic policy) whicch combined massive mobilization and private captilism. He personally created the million strong red army and lsd the October Revolution. He is well liked by Lenin and the red army officals( most of which was later purged by Stalin) and was seen as an icon of socialism during the Russian civil was. However, Stalin far surpasses him in poltical skills, and despite the fact that he had the support of the red army and Leninists, he was defetated by Stalin in a power struggle and exiled to Mexico, where he was later killed by Stalin's assassins.
第1个回答  2013-11-03