

Today what I want to talk about is me and friendship in my heart.I am a girl with a dual personality, who is sometimes outgoing but sometimes introverted.I am not good at connecting with others, but I desire friendship as well, since it is a necessity in our entire life.I had a friend in my primary school and another one in jenior school,but we are not in the same class at present.I'm fond of taking care of others, and also long for care from friends. A sincere friend is the one who would like to stand by you forever,who would laugh with you, cry with you and sing together with you in the empty street. I am a pile of firewood, who need warm fire to light up.I hope all of you are that warm fire ,lighting up my life and making me changed.




第1个回答  2011-09-17
Today I want to say, be about me and my friendship. I was a dual personality of the girls, sometimes outgoing, sometimes introverted, I am not good at communicating with others, but I longed for friendship, because friendship is one of life's essential thing. I in junior middle school and primary school all have a very good friends, but they are now and I was not in a class. I like to take care of others, also want to care about others. A true friend, they hope will always be beside you. A true friend, and you cry with laughter, to accompany you to the streets singing. I am a pile of dry, need warm fire to light. I hope that all of you, can be the fire, will light me, change me.



大部分是工具,但是我改了一点,看了看,没错。 工具不一定全是错的啊!你可以看句型,有什么问题可以问。


be about me and my friendship可以改成It's about me....吗?“sometimes outgoing, sometimes introverted“这两句语法上好像有问题。 I in junior middle school的I 后面不要加Be动词么? also want to care about others.改成被动语态会更好些吧。再多看看下。改好后就采纳你的。

第2个回答  2011-09-17
Today I want to tell you, is about me and my idea of a friendship. I was a double character girl, sometimes the extroversion, sometimes introverted, I'm not very good at communication with other people, but I wanted to friendship, for friendship in one's life indispensable. In middle and primary school I each has a very good friends, but they are now and I am not a class. I like to take care of others, also want to be concerned about. True friends, they hope to always be by your side. A real friend, will and cry with you smile together, no one with you on the street singing. I am a pile of sticks, and need a warm fire is lit. I hope all of you can become, the fire, will I lit up, change me.
第3个回答  2011-09-17
Today I want to tell you, is about me and my idea of a friendship. I was a double character girl, sometimes the extroversion, sometimes introverted, I'm not very good at communication with other people, but I wanted to friendship, for friendship in one's life indispensable. In middle and primary school I each has a very good friends, but they are now and I am not a class. I like to take care of others, also want to be concerned about. True friends, they hope to always be by your side. A true friend, and you cry with laughter, to accompany you to the streets singing. I am a pile of dry, need warm fire to light. I hope that all of you, can be the fire, will light me, change me.
o(︶︿︶)o 唉