
高一英语作文:假如你叫李华,是育才中学的一名新生,请你给某杂志社的编辑写封信,谈谈你的情况,并请求帮助,信的内容包括以下:1自我介绍 2你和其他同学沟通有困难,很孤单 3班主任很严厉,你不适应 4请求帮助 (可适当增加细节)

Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Li Hua, and I am a new student from Yucai Middle School. Recently, I found myself have troubles communicating with other students, and I always feel lonely. - 字数有限制


第1个回答  2012-01-12
Last summer, I went to Beidaihe for my holiday with my family. We took a train because the way is not far. We lived in a big hotel where could see the sea . We stayed there for three day. We to