以 howdoyoucometoschool 为题目写一篇英语作文,不少于50词


I usually come to school by my father's car. It is very cheap and convenient. But last Monday,I went to school on foot. Because my father was ill.
第1个回答  2019-10-09
I usually go to school by bus every week.Because it is too far for me to walk there and taking the bus is best way to arrive at school on time. Sometimes,I also ride a bike.But it means I have to get up very early,otherwise I will be late.
第2个回答  2020-09-27
how do you come to school on my theHow do you come to school on my there you?you always come to their art duringYou always come to there are there to the libYou always come to there are there to the library lasYou always come to there are there to the library last.next Kill BlKill Blake.Kill Blake.Yes, there is there, next to the table.
第3个回答  2014-11-04




第4个回答  2014-11-04