什么是"完成时态"?拜托了各位 谢谢


1. 现在完成时的定义 现在完成时既可表示过去发生的动作对现在所造成的结果或影响(此时通常连用的时间状语有already, yet, just, ever, before),也可表示动作从过去某时间开始,一直持续到现在,并且还有可能持续下去(此时通常连用的时间状语有this month / week / year, these days, recently / lately, in the past few + 时间段, since +时间点, for + 时间段)。如: I have just finished my work. 我把工作做完。 Have you ever been to Beijing? 你曾经去过北京吗? I have lived for ten years. 我在这儿住了十年了。 We have studied here since 2003. 我们自2003年来就在这儿读书了。 2. 现在完成时的结构 现在完成时由“have / has + 过去分词”构成。 3. 现在完成时的应用 (1) 非持续性动词go, come, leave, borrow, buy, die, join的完成时的肯定式不能与时间段连用,若要接用时间段状语,则应换成相应的持续动词或状态动词。如: He has left. 他走了。(from www.yygrammar.com) He has been away for an hour. 他走了一个小时了。 Can I borrow that book? 我可以借那本书吗? How long can I keep the book? 这本书我可借多久? 注意:非持续性动词的否定完成时可与时间段状语连用。如: He has not borrowed the book since then. 从此以后,他再也没有借这本书了。 (2) have / has been to 表示曾经去过某地,但现在不在那儿;have / has gone to表示现在已去某地,现在不在这儿。如: He has been to Canada, but now he is working in our company. 他去过加拿大,现在在我们公司工作。 Mr. Li is not at home. He has gone to Shanghai. 李先生不在家,他去上海了。 (3) 完成时的肯定式常用already,而否定式和疑问句常用yet,但若already用于疑问句时,表示一种出乎意外的惊讶。如: Have you read it already? 你就看完了? 4. 现在完成时与其他时态的区别 (1) 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别:现在完成时强调动作的结果或对现在的影响,属于现在时的范畴;一般过去时强调动作所发生的时间,属于过去时的范畴。因此,过去时需跟过去时间连用或有表过去时间的上下文连用,而现在完成时不能与过去时间连用。如: I read the book two weeks ago. 我两周前读了这本书。 I have read the book for two weeks. 这本书我读过两周了。(from www.yygrammar.com) (2) 现在完成时与现在进行时:现在完成时强调动作持续到现在或刚结束;而现在进行时只强调目前的状态。如: They have talked for about two hours. 他们谈了大约两个小时。(强调动作的持续) They are talking. 他们在谈话。 (强调目前的状态) 1. 过去完成时的定义 过去完成时既可表示过去某个时间或动作之前所发生的事情(常用时间状语有already, before, ever, just, never, still, yet),也可表示过去某个时间或动作之前所发生的动作一直持续到过去某个时间(常接时间状语:since +时间点, for + 时间段)。如: When I got to the station, the train had left. 当我到达车站时,火车已经开走了。 We had learnt fifteen lessons by last week. 到上周为止,我们学完了十五篇课文。 He had stayed here for two days before he left. 他走之前在这儿呆了两天。 He said that he had lived there since he was ten. 他说他十岁起就住在那儿了。 2. 过去完成时的结构 过去完成时由“had + 过去分词”构成。 3. 过去完成时的应用 (1) 与过去完成时连用的时间状语可以多种多样,使用它的主要依据是看其是否发生在“过去的过去”。如: He had learnt some English before I went here. 在来这儿之前我学过一些英语。 He had written three stories by last year. 到去年他已经写了三篇故事。 We had cleaned the room when he got there. 当他到那儿时,我们已经把房子弄干净了。 He went there after he had finished his work. 他把事做完之后,就去哪儿了。 注意:当主句跟由before, after, as soon as所引导的时间从句的动作连接很紧密时,从句也可用一般过去时。 He went there after he read the letter. 他看了那封信后就去那儿了。 (2) 过去完成时还经常用于主句为过去时的宾语从句中。如: He said he had been a soldier. 他说他当过兵。(from www.yygrammar.com) They said they had seen the film. 他们说这幕电影他们看过。 (3) 在hardly / scarcely …when…, no sooner…than… 两个结构中的主句通常要用过去完成时。如: Hardly had I told her the news when she began to cry out. 她一听到这一消息就大哭了起来。 Scarcely had he finished his supper when he went out. 他已吃完晚饭就出去了。 No sooner had he fallen asleep than he lay down on the bed. 他一躺倒床上就睡着了。 (4) 动词expect, hope, suppose, think, want等的过去完成时可用来表示未实现的计划、打算或希望。如: I had hoped to see you. 我本希望来看你。(from www.yygrammar.com) He had wanted to buy a house in Beijing. 他本想在北京买栋房子。 4. 过去完成时与一般过去时 (1) 过去完成时表示以过去某时间为起点以前所发生的动作或存在的状态,即:过去完成时强调“过去的过去”,而一般过去时只表示以现在时间为起点以前所发生的事情或存在的状态。如: He studied there two years ago. 他在那儿学习了两年。(离现在两年) He said he had studied there two years ago. 他说他在那儿学习了两年。(离他说话时两年) (2) 表示过去某个时间以前所连续发生的两个或两个以上的动作时,一般用and, then, but按照动作的先后顺序连接,此时通常用一般过去时而不用过去完成时。如: He said he went the shop and bought some food. 他说他去商店买了一些食品。