

HBE Human Bronchial Epithelial
**** HBE His Bundle Electrogram
*** HBE Human Behavioral Ecology
*** HBe Hepatitis B Envelope
*** HBE Hornby Bay Exploration Ltd
*** HBE Harris-Benedict Equation
*** HBE HTML Batch Editor
*** HBE Hard Boiled Egg
*** HBE Hawker Brownlow Education (Australian publisher)
*** HBE Henry Brothers Electronics, Inc
*** HBE His Boy Elroy (band)
*** HBE Hélicoptères Bombardiers d'Eau
** HBE Humboldt Builders' Exchange, Inc.
** HBE Hordaland Bygg og Eiendom (Norway)
** HBE Hypotensive and/or Bradycardic Events
** HBE Hundt Business-Engineering (Germany)
** HBE Henson, Burdge and Evans (UK)
** HBE Haffblood Entertainment (record label)
** HBE Human Being Extraordinaire
** HBE House-Bey Enterprises
** HBE Human-Based Education
** HBE Helmholtz Boundary Elements
** HBE Handball d'Echternach
** HBE Hawai'i Business Express
** HBE Home Brew Electronics, Inc.
** HBE Hot Buttered Elvis (band)
** HBE High Build Epoxy
** HBE Home-Based Enterprise
** HBE Home-Based Exercise
** HBE Health Behavior and Education
** HBE Homebuyers Education
** HBE Houston Black Expo
** HBE Home Business Entrepreneur
* HBE Alexandria - Alexandria, Egypt (Airport Code)
* HBE Heterojunction Barrier Effect