外贸英语翻译 谢绝在线or工具 英语高手进

谢谢 很急~!!
请翻译清楚 简洁明白 就好

PS: 我不是英盲,是不是在线翻译出来的还是看得懂的
在线翻译的大哥大姐就不要回答了 浪费版面

1. Please provide (on separate paper) an organizational chart of your corporation.
2. Please indicate approximate total sales ($) for your corporation.
3. Please specify markets that you supply to and identify total sales per market.
4. How long have you been in business?
5. Who are your major customers per market? (Please specify U.S., Europe, etc)
6. What is your order volume both in units and U.S. $?
a) Weekly, monthly, quarterly?
7. What is your production capacity (units)?
8. Which are your peak periods for orders (months)?
9. What is the average lead-time for initial orders (in weeks)? Re-orders?
10. Describe your company’s manufacturing environment.
a) Primary manufacturing sites, b) Location and resources, c) Products by location, d) Manufacturing processes done at sites, e) Age of facilities, f) Size of location in square feet.
11. How many employees are at each manufacturing location?
12. How many different products do you manufacture per year?
13. Are any plant functions sub-contracted? If yes, which functions are these and what % of this finished product does this represent?
14. What is the production capacity at each manufacturing location?
15. How many shifts do each manufacturing location normally run? How many hours per shift?
16. Do you have a Quality Management function? How many resources are allocated to this function?
17. At what points of your production is quality checked?
18. Who is responsible for quality in your organization?
19. Do you have a manufacturing support computer system to track status of orders, costs, bill of materials, routing, EDI capability.?
20. How are new designs or concepts developed at your company?
21. Does your factory inspected and approved by large U.S retailers?
22. Does your factory comply with social accountability business practices (no child labor, nor prison labor, safety regulations, etc.)?

1. Please provide (on separate paper) an organizational chart of your corporation. 请提供(在另外一张纸上)一份你们公司的组织结构图。
2. Please indicate approximate total sales ($) for your corporation. 请简要的,大概说明一下你们公司的销售情况。
3. Please specify markets that you supply to and identify total sales per market. 请把你的市场客户例举清单,并且确定每个市场的销售成绩。
4. How long have you been in business? 公司开始开展业务已经多久了?
5. Who are your major customers per market? (Please specify U.S., Europe, etc) 每个市场上,谁是你的主要客户。(请详细说明,比如说美国,欧洲,等等)
6. What is your order volume both in units and U.S. $? 贵公司产品的订购量以当地单位和美元计算有多少?
a) Weekly, monthly, quarterly? 每周,每月,每季度?
7. What is your production capacity (units)? 你的产品的生产能力式多少。(单位)
8. Which are your peak periods for orders (months)? 产品最高峰的订购时期在哪几个月?(月份)
9. What is the average lead-time for initial orders (in weeks)? Re-orders? 平均初次订购的订货至交货时间式多少?(以周计算)再次订购呢?
10. Describe your company’s manufacturing environment. 描述你们公司的制造环境
a) Primary manufacturing sites, 主要制造地点b) Location and resources, 地点和资源c) Products by location, 场所生产的产品d) Manufacturing processes done at sites, 场所加工过程e) Age of facilities, 设备的使用时间f) Size of location in square feet. 用平方米表示地点的面积。
11. How many employees are at each manufacturing location? 每个制作地点的员工人数
12. How many different products do you manufacture per year? 每年你们制造多少不同的产品?
13. Are any plant functions sub-contracted? If yes, which functions are these and what % of this finished product does this represent? 有没有哪些方面是转包合同的?如果是的话,是哪些功能,并且他们在成品中占多大的比例?
14. What is the production capacity at each manufacturing location? 每个生产地点的产品生产能力是多少?
15. How many shifts do each manufacturing location normally run? How many hours per shift? 正常情况下每个制造地点进行多少此轮班?每个班要多少小时。
16. Do you have a Quality Management function? How many resources are allocated to this function? 你们有质量管理活动么?有多少资源和这个活动有联系?
17. At what points of your production is quality checked? 质量合格的要求是什么?
18. Who is responsible for quality in your organization? 谁在你们的组织中负责质量方面的问题。
19. Do you have a manufacturing support computer system to track status of orders, costs, bill of materials, routing, EDI capability.? 你们是不是拥有电脑支持系统来记录订单,成本,材料的账单,形成安排的状态和数据,及进行无纸贸易
20. How are new designs or concepts developed at your company? 新设计和概念是怎么在你的公司得到发展的?
21. Does your factory inspected and approved by large U.S retailers? 你的工厂是不是被美国大型零售商监管和批准?
22. Does your factory comply with social accountability business practices (no child labor, nor prison labor, safety regulations, etc.)?你的公司是不是依照社会责任还是商业惯例?(没有孩子当劳工,没有服刑人员当劳工,有安全规章制度,等等)
第1个回答  2008-01-08
1. Please provide (on separate paper) an organizational chart of your corporation.
2. Please indicate approximate total sales ($) for your corporation.
3. Please specify markets that you supply to and identify total sales per market.
请详细说明你们产品所对应的市场, 并说明每种市场的总销售额

4. How long have you been in business?

5. Who are your major customers per market? (Please specify U.S., Europe, etc)
每一类市场的主要客户是谁(请详细阐明, 可以按照美国, 欧洲这样的分类方法)

6. What is your order volume both in units and U.S. $?
你们订单的数量是多少, 请分别按照货物单位和美金给出具体数额
a) Weekly, monthly, quarterly?
每周, 每月, 每季度分别多少

7. What is your production capacity (units)?
你们的生产能力是多少 (按单位计算)

8. Which are your peak periods for orders (months)?

9. What is the average lead-time for initial orders (in weeks)? Re-orders?
你们初始订单的平均交货时间多多少 (按周计算)

10. Describe your company’s manufacturing environment.
a) Primary manufacturing sites, b) Location and resources, c) Products by location, d) Manufacturing processes done at sites, e) Age of facilities, f) Size of location in square feet.
a. 主要生产场所
b. 具体位置和资源
c. 按地点分类的产品
d. 在产地完成的生产程序
e. 各种设备的年限
f. 生产场所的面积(按平方英尺计算)

11. How many employees are at each manufacturing location?

12. How many different products do you manufacture per year?

13. Are any plant functions sub-contracted? If yes, which functions are these and what % of this finished product does this represent?
如果有, 请说明是何种产品工艺被外包, 其所占成品的百分比是多少

14. What is the production capacity at each manufacturing location?

15. How many shifts do each manufacturing location normally run? How many hours per shift?

16. Do you have a Quality Management function? How many resources are allocated to this function?
给这个部分安排了多少资源?(指资金, 人力上面的资源)

17. At what points of your production is quality checked?

18. Who is responsible for quality in your organization?
在贵公司, 谁来负责产品质量

19. Do you have a manufacturing support computer system to track status of orders, costs, bill of materials, routing, EDI capability.?
你们是否有一套关于生产的电脑系统来追踪订单, 成本, 原材料帐单, 行程, 以及 无纸张贸易的能力

20. How are new designs or concepts developed at your company?

21. Does your factory inspected and approved by large U.S retailers?

22. Does your factory comply with social accountability business practices (no child labor, nor prison labor, safety regulations, etc.)?
贵公司是否遵守社会责任管理体系的经营方式( 不用童工, 不用监狱劳工, 安全准则等等)---------这个应该是讲美国的那个SA8000标准, 楼主可以参考一下
第2个回答  2008-01-08
1. Please provide (on separate paper) an organizational chart of your corporation.
2. Please indicate approximate total sales ($) for your corporation.
3. Please specify markets that you supply to and identify total sales per market.
4. How long have you been in business?
5. Who are your major customers per market? (Please specify U.S., Europe, etc)
6. What is your order volume both in units and U.S. $?
a) Weekly, monthly, quarterly?
7. What is your production capacity (units)?
8. Which are your peak periods for orders (months)?
9. What is the average lead-time for initial orders (in weeks)? Re-orders?
10. Describe your company’s manufacturing environment.
a) Primary manufacturing sites, b) Location and resources, c) Products by location, d) Manufacturing processes done at sites, e) Age of facilities, f) Size of location in square feet.
a)最初生产地点 b)地点和资源 c)产品 d)现场生产过程 e)设备年限 f)场地大小(平方尺)
11. How many employees are at each manufacturing location?
12. How many different products do you manufacture per year?
13. Are any plant functions sub-contracted? If yes, which functions are these and what % of this finished product does this represent?
14. What is the production capacity at each manufacturing location?
15. How many shifts do each manufacturing location normally run? How many hours per shift?
16. Do you have a Quality Management function? How many resources are allocated to this function?
17. At what points of your production is quality checked?
18. Who is responsible for quality in your organization?
19. Do you have a manufacturing support computer system to track status of orders, costs, bill of materials, routing, EDI capability.?
贵公司是否有个支持生产的电脑系统呢,来追踪订单状况,成本,原料单,日常生产,EDI 能力?
20. How are new designs or concepts developed at your company?
21. Does your factory inspected and approved by large U.S retailers?
22. Does your factory comply with social accountability business practices (no child labor, nor prison labor, safety regulations, etc.)?
第3个回答  2008-01-08
3. 列出目标市场及每个市场的销售额
4. 从业时间?
5. 每个市场的主要客户?(请根据美国,欧洲等不同区域划分)
6. 订单量,分别以数量及金额计算? (每周,每月,每季度)
7. 产能(数量)?
8. 销售旺季(哪几个月)?
9. 通常第一个订单的平均交货期(以周数计算)? 重复订单呢?
10. 描述公司的生产环境.a) 主要生产区域, b) 地点和资源, c) 产品(不清楚), d) 现场生产过程, e) 设备使用年限, f) 占地(以平方英尺计算)
11. 每个生产现场有多少工人?
12. 每年生产多少种不同产品?
13. 有没有转包车间? 如果有,这些车间做什么?这部分占成品的百分比?
14. 每个生产现场的产能?
15. 分几班轮做?每班几个小时?
16. 有没有质量管理功能? 如何分配资源(说不清楚这一点)?
17. 生产过程中哪些环节进行质量检查?
18. 组织中谁负责质量问题?
19. 有没有计算机生产支持系统去跟踪订单,成本,原料,routing, EDI 能力等状况?
20. 如何开发新设计?
21. 工厂有没有经过美国大零售商检验和批准?
22. 有没有遵守社会责任商业惯例(例如不使用童工,安全规章等)?

第4个回答  2008-01-08
too much!