
2. A:嗨!你有关注今天的报纸么?B:哦没有,上面说的什么?A:据报道数位明星有吸毒的问题,真是太令人惊讶了!B:明星也是普通人,也是有犯错的权力的,人们也不用·太过惊讶。A:可是我认为作为名人他们应该给自己的粉丝做好榜样,吸毒也许是因为钱挣得太过容易了。B:我不这样认为,明星总是承受了太多的压力,社会也应该对他们吸毒的问题负责。A:也许你是对的,但我保留自己的意见。 。。。。。多谢了!!!

1 A: hi, did you read the newspaper today? B: oh, i didn't what does it say? A: there are many"professional beggars "in the street, they are usually organized groups, and they benefit from cheating people's sympathy, do you think we can still believe the beggars? B:i they they have the reason to beg, we should try to help them with our ability A: but how can you tell real beggars from professional beggars? i was once cheated by the professiona beggars. B:anyway, the beggars are poor people, we can't give up the sympathy because of the possbility of being cheated. A: maybe you are right, but i keep my opinion

2 A: hi, did you read the newspaper today? B:no, what does it say? A: it reports that several stars have drugs, that's really a surprise B: stars are also ordinay people ,they have the right to make mistakes, we don't need to be over surprised. A: but i thinks stars should set a good example to us, they have drugs maybe because they earn too much money B: i don't think so , i think they have drugs because they shoulder a lot of pressure, the society also has the responsibility.A: maybe you are right, but i keep my opinion

纯手工翻译,分给我吧 O(∩_∩)O
第1个回答  2012-06-05
第2个回答  2012-06-05
压力太大 了