急求 !!!口语考试需要进行一个长达五分到六分钟的英语对话

make a dialogue to talk about how you spen your
winter vacation and how you felt about it(最好加上中文翻译)

TOM:hi, Mike, nice to see you again.
Mike:Me too. how about your winter holiday?
Tom:My winter holiday is very interesting. I went to the Beijing and visited the the Palace Museum,Tian An’Men ,and Summer Palace.I know a lot about qin dynasty now.
Mike:wow, sounds wonderful. anything else you do in Beijing.?
TOM: Of course, I ate lots of delicious food, however ,the most tasty food is Quanjude Roast Duck. It is crispy and tasty. I have never eaten such more delicious food. if you have a chance to go to Beijing, you can have a try.you will know how amazing it is. what yours?
Mike:mine? it is not as interesting as yours . i just stay at home .sometimes ,i helped my parents do some shopping or i helped my brother with his homework.
TOM: oh,that is also great. at least,you needn't suffer from the cold weather. you konw the weather in Beijing is very cold......
第1个回答  2012-06-06
其实这个,是大学的英语口语考试么?我是外语系的学生,我不主张把别人的东西生搬硬套给自己,其实口语考试只是要求能够用流利的英语来进行一些简单的对话罢了,how you spent your winter vacation,你寒假干了什么啊,或是一般你都会做些什么啊,然后你的感受是什么?表达出来就来了,其实不难的,自己试试,加油啦