淮北旅游景点英语介绍 关于淮北的英语介绍


淮北坐落于安徽北部 英语

At the foot of the mountain, is located in the phase of huaibei is a production of coal mines in northern anhui province town, is also the place where I come from. Here folkway, the air was full of warmth between people. Dog is my favorite animal, so my dream is to become a zoologist, in order to relieve the suffering of the dogs get sick and host lost their sadness, I wish to make my life dedicated to the professional!


漕运府衙,漕运博物馆,韩侯祠(韩信故居),周恩来故居,周恩来纪念馆,关天培故居,东岳庙,勺湖公园,河下古镇,刘鹗(老残游记作者)故居,还有还有·····绝对正宗的淮扬美食······· 周恩来纪念馆,童年读书处,故居,吴承恩故居,韩信故里,河下古镇,关天培故居,清晏园,明祖陵,第一山,铁山寺,天泉湖,钵池山,漕运博物馆,淮扬菜博物馆,樱花园,柳树湾,


Hello, Dear friends! My hometown is HuaiBei , It is a very beautiful place, there are many mountains in the city. People there are all working hard, Because of this, my hometown becomes nicer and nicer. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. There were no buildings, most of the villagers had to live in some small and simple houses. Sometimes, they could only eat grass roots, People at that time could not have a happy life . Today, people in my hometown become richer and richer. Now they need not eat grass roots . They can have enough food, live in big houses. My hometown has developed a lot,.I believe that it will develop more and more . I will study harder and harder , As I decided myself to my hometown.I love my hometown


夫子城遗址;The river of anhui LongKouCun farm in anqing city, the area is about 15000 square meters. The site of the strata accumulation under neolithic cultural level subordinates, found 11 a vertical hole tomb pits and the ash pits, ZhuDong remains, etc. Unearthed relics including pottery, jade, the stone, the combination of the basic pottery, beans, pot, and the other saw a more coloured drawing or pattern tao. The master of the cultural features of city ruins the xue family culture, s equivalent to the site of the second phase of the house of hazael, its unearthed, is the study of xue family culture provides new material. Anhui province key units of cultural relics protection. 位于安庆市皖河农场龙口村,现存面积约1.5万平方米。 该遗址地层堆积的下部属新石器时代文化层,发现了11座土坑竖穴墓及灰坑、柱洞等遗迹。出土遗物包括陶器、玉器、石器等,陶器的基本组合为鼎、豆、壶,另见有较多彩绘陶。夫子城遗址的文化性质属薛家岗文化,年代相当于薛家岗遗址第二期,它的发掘,为薛家岗文化的研究提供了新的资料。安徽省重点文物保护单位。