
情景:你被Shrek威胁,如果不给他500块钱you will suffer,你和你最好的朋友商量,是报告给校方还是给钱。。


Jack, Tom and David are three very good friends. They met in the playground one Friday afternoon, chatting what each might do in the weekend.

Jack: What will you two be doing to tomorrow?
Tom: You should know me well, I usually go fishing with my dad on Saturdays when the weather is fine.
David: Football training for me. How about you Jack?
Jack: I have nothing particular in mind yet. But when I have finished my homework early, if it is still early then i shall go and visit my aunt.
Tom: Don't you have a fish keeping hobby? What should you do to keep your fish healthy?
Jack: Different from you, at least I am not trying to kill them with your fishing hooks!
David: Yes, it is cruel, how can you call it a sport?
Tom: All right you two,fishing doesn't kill fish. We put them back into the water and let them free again!
Jack: Not after a painful struggle of those poor fish.
Tom: You two don't understand, fish don't feel the pain.
David: Who are you kidding? Why don't you try and hook yourself up with your fishing hooks and see?
Jack: Yes, how ridiculous!
Tom: My father told that!
David: Then your father told you wrong!
Jack: Yes. there is no such thing as no pain feelings. All living things feel pain, no exception for fish!
Tom: I don't know! I said my father told me and I believe him. OK?
David: All right Tom calm down, we are only teasing you, not taking you to jail, so just relax!
Jack; Yes, let's forget it and talk of something else.
David: What then? ah, how about you Jack? What do you need to keep your fish tanks so clean and nice?
Jack: They are not my fish tanks. They belong to my dad actually. I only help to look after the fish and feed them. Sometimes when we need to buy some new fish, my dad would let me choose one or two of them, that's all.
Tom: How many fish do you or your dad has now?
Jack: As you two know, we have three rather large tanks, all full of fish and because they tropical ones, so most of them are very tiny. I lost count of them.
David: Why you only keep tropical fish then?
Jack: because my dad said that keeping marine fish has too many work to do and very expensive. So, we only keep tropical ones. They are equally pretty and cost much less to keep.
Tom: As the matter of fact, I would like to keep fish too.
Jack: What? Do I hear you right? keeping fish, you?
Tom: Yes! but after seeing your three large tanks at your home. I don't want a small one, and my home has no space to house a big one, so I don't think that I would after all, and stick to fishing instead.
David: So, nothing or everything then huh?
David; Well, exactly how large are your three fish tanks, Jack?
Jack: The small one is 220 litres, medium one is 300 litres and the large one, my dad said about 700 litres but the actual water capacity is 600 litres. So we have more than a ton of water at home with all three tanks put together!
Tom: God! that must need a lot of work taking care of them.
Jack: You can't be more wrong. In fact, bigger the fish tank less you need to work.
David: Why is that?
Jack: Because bigger tank holds more water, with bigger filtration system, thus less easy to get dirty. Particularly, we only keep tiny fish. They eat less and soil less.
Tom: How often do you change the water?
Jack: Never.
Tom: What, never?
Jack: Yes, never, when the water is evaporated a little, we add them back straight from the tap. Usually, it is a wrong thing to do if the tank is small. The water must be treated before adding into it, but when the tank is big, then the new water's proportion is small. It does less harm to the fish, and our fish has already got used to it.
David; really?
Jack: Yes, we have not changed any water for many years now, and all of our fish are still healthy and happy.
Jack: Now is your turn David. What is your favourite pet. Is it dog?
David: No,the dog at home belongs to my sister. I don't like animals, let alone keeping them. as you two should know. I only care about sport, well, football!
Jack: Oh, yes. Did our school team win last week?
David: Why do you care? I did not see you two supporting me last game. So one of you were off to fishing and the other went to buy fish then huh? What kind of best friends you two are?
Tom: Sorry, David I will go and watch you play next game. I promise OK?
Jack: Me too, but when is the next match then?
David: You two don't even know when is our school team's game? How pathetic! its next midweek, Wednesday!
Tom: Now we know.
Jack: You two promise, so you must be there, or I shall make other new friends!
Tom: All right, we promise, but what about this Sunday then usual place usual time?
David: OK, usual place usual time, see you two there, bye.
(David left)
Jack: So I see you there on Sunday, don't forget! Bye.
Tom: No, I say don't be late, you! Bye.
They parted.

第1个回答  2012-05-31
A:What has come over you?It seems that you're meeting some trouble.
B:Ummm...You're right,I'm in a dilemma.
A:Would you mind telling me what happened?
B:Okay,I was threatened by Shrek several days ago.He warned me that I would suffer a lot if I don't give him 500 yuan.And I don't know how to deal with it.
A:How could he do such a terrible thing?Don't worry.Let's think twice and find solution.What about telling teacher the truth?
B:But...I'm afraid that he will avenge me.
A:Don't give in,otherwise he will be worse next time.
B:That's right.Let's turn to teacher for help.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-05-31
A: what's the matter with you ? You look so unhappy.
B:Shrek asked me to give him 500 yuan. Or else I will suffer. I don't have the money ,and I don't want to give him the money either. But I am afraid of him. what should I do?
A:You'd better tell our teacher about this matter.
B:But if so ,maybe I will get hurt.
A: If you give him this time ,he may ask more next time .
B: I agree with you.