关于语法的问题 帮看下 非常感谢!

1.Paul joins footballers David Beckham and Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton and singers Noel Gallagher in backing the bid.中in backing the bid做什么成分,修饰什么?
2.We have had a number of football approaches from around the world but Paul was only ever going to choose his homeland。中only ever分别是什么词性?修饰什么?ever与going之间是不是应该加连字符?
3.She said Paul had officially retired from predicting matches, a skill that won him worldwide fame during this year's World Cup when he correctly predicted the outcome of seven Germany games and that Spain would win the final.中a skill是谁的同位语?won后面跟的是双宾吗?之后的that可不可省略,为什么?
4.With his predicting days behind him Paul is now concentrating on a number of new projects and the England 2018 campaign is something we are sure he feels passionately about," Hamilton said.中predicting字典上查不到,那如何判断其词性,是不是所有的动词加ing都可以变adj用?behind him后面是否应该加逗号?

    Paul joins footballers David Beckham and Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton and singers Noel Gallagher in backing the bid.中in backing the bid作状语,修饰 joins。为申办助威
    2.We have had a number of football approaches from around the world but Paul was only ever going to choose his homeland。中only ever分别是副词和副词 修饰going to choose his homeland。 ever与going之间可以不加连字符


3.She said Paul had officially retired from predicting matches, a skill that won him worldwide fame during this year's World Cup when he correctly predicted the outcome of seven Germany games and that Spain would win the final.中a skill是 predicting matches的同位语


之后的that不可省略,因为 关系代词 在定从中 作主语 不能省略 
4.With his predicting days behind him Paul is now concentrating on a number of new projects and the England 2018 campaign is something we are sure he feels passionately about," Hamilton said.中predicting是作定语的 可以看做形容词,所有的动词加ing都可以是现在分词 而现在分词具有形容词特征  所以一般都可以变adj用 

  behind him后面是应该加逗号
5.上句中最后的about不可去掉,因为先行词 something是 其宾语   we are sure 是插入语  可去掉

定语从句中如果  关系代词代替先行词  作定从中的宾语的话   不及物动词都要加上介词,因为不及物动词 不能 直接有宾语。


1.in backing the bid是根据句意加的吗?可省略吗?
4.campaign is something we are sure he feels passionately about中如何看出we are sure是插入语?为什么不把we are sure he feels passionately about看成是一个句子?


    in backing the bid是根据句意加的     可省略
    3.that在定从作主语,定从是  that won him worldwide fame during this year's World Cup when he correctly predicted the outcome of seven Germany games and that Spain would win the final.修饰先行词a skill

4.campaign is something we are sure he feels passionately about中we are sure是插入语 因为可以去掉 

如果把we are sure he feels passionately about看成是一个句子 的话 应该是 

we are sure (that) campaign is something (that)he feels passionately about。


3.这句我表达有误,我是说that Spain would win the final.中的that可不可省略,为什么?

4.如果把we are sure he feels passionately about看作是定从修饰sth,有什么不对?定从中可以带宾从,定从吗?


3.that Spain would win the final.中的that不可省略,因为是并列的宾语
也就是前面 已经有 the outcome of seven Germany games作宾语 and that,,,,是并列的宾语
这种情况 一般that不省略。
4.如果把we are sure he feels passionately about看作是定从修饰sth,不对 因为 he feels passionately about是定从修饰 sth。 明显是先行词与定从之间 插入了 独立成分
一般 语法家 不认可 先行词作 宾语从句中的宾语 这种说法。也就是不能把定语从句看做宾语从句

独立主格结构 可以做 时间原因方式伴随 结果 等状语

第1个回答  2014-02-19