

一、独立主格结构的形式英语中,独立主格结构的形式有两类:一类是:名词或代词跟形容词、副词、介词短语、非谓语动词连在一起,构成独立主格结构。另一类是:介词with / without后接名词或代词再跟形容词、副词、介词短语、非谓语动词连在一起,构成独立主格结构。A. 名词或代词 + 形容词、副词、介词短语、非谓语动词1. 名词 / 代词 + 不定式。如:A house to be built, we must save every cent. 由于要建一座房子,我们必须节省每一分钱。Now here is Li Lei, Wei Fang to come tomorrow. 现在李蕾来了,魏方明天到。2. 名词 / 代词 + -ing分词。如:The bus coming here soon, we should get everything ready. 汽车很快就要来了,我们应该把一切事情准备好。Mother being ill, Li Lei was very worried. 母亲病了,李蕾非常焦急。3. 名词 / 代词 + 动词的过去分词。如:His cup broken, he used his bowl instead. 茶杯破了,他就用碗来代替。4. 名词 / 代词 + 形容词。如:The ground muddy, we should be careful. 地面泞泥,我们应该小心。5. 名词 / 代词 + 副词。如:The class over, we all went out to play. 下课后,我们都出去玩。6. 名词 / 代词 + 介词短语。如Glasses in his hand, he asked where his glasses were. 手里拿着眼镜,他问他的眼镜哪去了。 B. 介词with / without + 名词或代词 + 形容词、副词、介词短语、非谓语动词1. with / without + 名词或代词 + 形容词He spoke to us with his mouth full of food. 她口里含着食物跟我们说话。2. with / without + 名词或代词 + 副词He left the office with the lights on. 他离开了办公室,让灯亮着。3. with / without + 名词或代词 + 介词短语The engineer came with a notebook in his hand. 那个工程师手里拿着笔记本过来了。4. with / without + 名词或代词 + -ing分词Don’t brush your teeth with water running. 不要在刷牙时让水流着。5. with / without + 名词或代词 + 动词不定式With so much work to do, the manager felt very worried. 这么多工作要做,经理觉得很焦急。6. with / without + 名词或代词 + 动词的过去分词With the road blocked, they had to turn back and ran round it in another way. 由于道路被堵,他们不得不转身从另一条路绕过去。
第1个回答  2013-12-14
  名词(代词) +介词短语构成。
  1) 名词/代词+形容词
  The men moved slowly forward, neck deep in the water, with their officers guiding them.
  It stood silent in the noon sunlight, its door open.
  2) 名词/代词+现在分词
  Winter coming, it gets colder and colder. 冬天来了,天气越来越冷了。
  The rain having stopped, he went out for a walk. 雨停了,他出去散步。
  The question being settled, we wound up the meeting. 问题解决之后,我们结束了会议。
  3) 名词/代词+过去分词
  “Marquis,” said the boy, turning to the man, his eyes opened wide, and his right hand raised.
  4) 名词/代词(主格)+不定式
  We shall assemble at ten forty-five, the procession to start moving at precisely eleven. 我们十点四十五分集合,队伍十一点准时出发。
  Here are the first two volumes, the third one to come out next month. 这是前两卷,第三卷将于下月问世。
  We divided the work, he to clean the windows and I to sweep the floor. 我们进行了分工,他擦窗户,我扫地。
  The two boys said good-bye to each other, one to go home, the other to go to his friend’s. 两个男孩彼此道了别,一个回了家,另一个去了他朋友家。
  5) 名词/代词+介词短语
  I followed him here, climbed in, sword in hand.
  The huntsman entered the forest, gun in hand. 那位猎人手里提着枪走进了树林。
  He sat at the table, coat off, head down, and pen in hand.
  6) 名词/代词+副词
  Nobody in, the thief took a lot of things away.
  Lunch over, he left the house. But he was thinking.
  7) 名词/代词+名词
  he fought the wolf, a stick his only weapon. 他和狼搏斗着,唯一的武器是一根棍棒。
第2个回答  2013-12-14
 1) 表示时间
  The meeting being over, all of us went home. 开完会后我们都回家了。
  Her work done, she sat down for a cup of tea. 她干完了活,坐下来喝茶。
  2) 表示条件
  The condition being favorable, he may succeed. 若条件有利,他或许能成功。
  3) 表示原因
  There being no taxis, we had to walk. 没有出租车,我们只好步行。
  He wrapped her up with great care, the night being dark and frosty. 夜又黑又冷,所以他把她裹得严严实实的。
  4) 表示伴随情况
  Almost all metals are good conductors, silver being the best of all. 几乎所有的金属都是良导体,而银则是最好的导体。(=Almost all metals are good conductors,
  and silver is the best of all.)
  名词(代词) +介词短语构成。