
首先在这里先说明一下情况,因为我的错题是考试的历年真题来的。同时这次的考试对我来说很重要,希望各位前辈能够帮助我,谨慎作答,因为我会完全相信你们的答案的!谢谢!(题目比较多,请不要只对正确答案进行讲解,麻烦将其他的选项的用法等分析清楚吧,怎么区分用法)谢谢!26.The thieves ______him _______in thepark,took his wallet and escaped.A.held …back B.held..up C.held ..on D.held …out--我选了A,答案选B 27.Carl wanted to play a joke on Bob butgave himself_________by laughing.A.away B.in C.out D.up--我选了C,答案选A 28.Psychological studies show that somepeople are quick-tempered________.A.at heart B.on purpose C.in person D.by nature--我选了C,答案选D 29.I broke my relationship with Johnbecause he always found_____with me.A.error B.mistake C.fault D.failure--我选了B,答案选C 30.______up children properly id mainlytheir parents’ duty.A.Growing B.feeding C.Bringing D.Raising--我选了D,答案选C 31. The happy look on his face______that hehad passed the final examination successfully.A.explained B.suggested C.expressed D.described--我选了C,答案选B 32.The conference gives a chance forpeopleof different______to exchange.A.points B.thoughts C.views D.ways--我选了A,答案选C 33.The rescue team made every_______to findthe missing mountain climber.A.force B.energy C.effort D.possibility--我选了A,答案选C 34.However,at times this balance in natureis _________,resulting in a number of possible unforeseen effects.A.troubled B.disturbed C.puzzled D.confused--我选了C,答案选B

hold sth/sb up意思是:抢劫,hold sth/sb back意思是:控制/阻碍某人、某事、情感;隐瞒...
hold on意思是:1 等会儿/别挂断电话(用于打电话)2 紧紧抓住sth 3坚持下去
hold out sth意思是:1,认为某事有可能发生 2)(供给品的)维持、持续 如:water supplies won't hold out much longer.
27 give sb/sth away有很多意思,这题考察的是“使露马脚、暴露”这个意思,句子意思就是:但是笑声使他露出了马脚。其他意思还有:1分送,送掉 2赠送,送给
give in意思就是:屈服,让步。give sth out意思就是:1分发某物 2 用尽,耗光某物 give up很简单,就是放弃某物
28 at heart就是本质上;时间上;在内心。on purpose意思就是故意,有意。in person的意思是亲自,如you should receive the prize in person. by nature意思是生性; 本性上; 本来; 生来。
29,failure是指失败;fault主要指“毛病,缺点”; mistake, error主要指“错误”。
The dean demands perfection in others, but cannot see faults in himself.系主任要求别人完美无缺,却看不到自己的缺点。
Please pardon any error that you may discover in my letter.请原谅在我的信中你发现的一些错误。
I used your ink by mistake.我用错了你的墨水。
30,grow up是指成长,长大。feed up是养肥,养壮。bring up有教育;养育的意思。raise up
举起; 抬起。raise本身也有教育,养育的意思,不需要接介词,等于bring up.
31,.explaine解释的意思 B.suggest 有暗示的意思, C.express是表达的意思 D.describe是描述的意思。
32,A.point 也有观点的意思,但是通常用短语“point of view”来表达一个“观点”或者“意见” B.thought是指思想,想法 C.view是指观点 D.way指方式
33,A.force 一般用来指武力,暴力 B.energy 指力量,能量 C.effort 指努力 D.possibility指可能性。made every effort意思就是尽一切努力。
34,.A.trouble动词是指使烦恼,麻烦 B.disturbe 意思是打破,打扰 C.puzzle意思是使困惑 D.confuse也是使困惑的意思。句子是说:大自然的平衡被打破、破坏了,

第1个回答  2013-12-27
26hold up的用法: 1.阻碍 They were held up by fog. 他们被雾所阻。 2.拦截 The criminals held up the train. 罪犯拦截了火车。 3.举出 Don't hold me up as a model husband. 别把我推举为模范丈夫。
held …back控制;阻碍(进一步升级);犹豫不决
hold on等一等
hold out 坚持,维持,抱有,伸出,抱有(希望,想法等)
第2个回答  2013-12-27