

第 I 卷

听 力 部 分(40分)

一、听写 把你听到的句子所缺的单词填在横线上,每条横线上只准填一个单词(共10分,每格1分)。

(1) I don’t know the ___________of “___________”.

(2) Can you tell me the ___________ between ___________ and China?

(3) ___________ up, or you’ll miss the ___________.

(4) In ___________, many ___________ turn yellow.

(5) ___________ Day is on ___________ 8.

二、辨音 找出你在句子中听到的单词、词组或数字。(共5分,每小题1分)。 (6)A. match B. catch C. watch D. much

(7) A. clear B. clean C. clever D climb

(8) A. write B. light C. like D. white

(9) A. plenty of sheep B. play with the sheep

C. a play about a ship D. a plate of fish

(10) A. 89263547 B. 89632547 C. 89562347 D. 89326547

三、填表格 根据你所听到的内容填写下列表格。(共10分)



goes to school




watches TV


goes to bed


(21) A. Thank you. B. Do you think so?

C. No, my English is poor. D. I don’ t think so.

(22) A. No, thanks. B. It’s my duty.

C. Not at all. D. All right.

(23) A. Yes, I’m glad. B. Yes, I’d like to.

C. No, I don’t like D. No, I can’t

(24) A. That’s a good idea. B. Here you are.

C. See you tomorrow. D. Thank you very much.

(25) A. Yes, but for my daughter. B. No, something for my son.

C. I’d like two sweaters. D. You can do everything, please.五、理解 根据你所听到的对话以及针对该对话所提的问题,选出最佳答案(共 5分,每小题1分)。

(26) What’s John doing?

A. He’s watering the flowers.

B. He’s reading.

C. He’s gardening.

D. He’s listening the radio.

(27) What does the woman want?

A. A pound of cake.

B. Half a pound of cake.

C. One and half pounds of cake.

D. two pounds of cake.

(28) Where does the man live?

A. In Manchester. B. In London.

C. In China. D. In America.

(29) What’s the girl’s name?

A. Her name is Lisa. B . Her name is Polly.

C. Her name is Fairy. D. Her name is Lilly.

(30) When will they have the party?

A. Sunday evening. B. Friday night

C. Saturday evening D. Friday evening.

六、短文理解 根据你听到的短文内容选择正确的答案回答问题。(共5分,每小题1分)

(31) How many people are there in the Brown family?

A. Six B. Four C. Two D. Three

(32) Who is in the kichen?

A. Mr Brown. B. Jim’s father.

C. Sue’s mother. D. Ann’s mother.

(33) Where is Mr Brown reading a book?

A. He is reading a book in his bedroom.

B. He is reading a book at the window.

C. He is reading a book in the living room.

D. He is reading a book under a tree.

(34) Who are playing in the garden?

A. Jim and Sue. B. Jim and Mike.

C. Jim and his sister. D. Jim and Ann.

(35) What are Sue and Ann doing?

A. They are watching TV in the living room.

B. They are playing football in the garden.

C. They are watching TV in Ann’s room.

D. They are watching TV in Sue’s bedroom.

笔 试 部 分

七、语音 (共10分,每小题1分)。

1. 找出划线部分发音与其他三个不同的单词。

(36) A. Germany B. term C. exercise D. Berlin

(37) A. mean B. idea C. cheap D. teacher

(38) A. post B. snow C. cold D cover

(39) A. second B. hungry C. bank D. thank

(40) A. October B. card C. ice D. picnic

2. 找出划线部分重音与其他三个不同的单词。

(41) A. forget B. maybe C. camera D. windy

(42) A. temperature B. kilometer C. report D. national

(43) A. minute B. November C. expensive D. special

(44) A. India B. person C. meeting D. another

(45) A. early B. degree C. weather D. summer


( ) (46) __________ teacher on the black bike is __________ English teacher.

A. A; an B. The; a C. A; the D. The; an

( ) (47) There __________ a lot of water in the bottle.

A. is B. are C. has D. be

( ) (48) What __________ do you have __________ supper?

A. food; for B. foods; for C. food; with D. foods; in

( ) (49) It’s time __________ go to school.

A. for B. or C. to D. in

( ) (50) They are __________ shoes. __________ are over there.

A. my; You B. mine; Yours

C. her; Her D. my; Yours

( ) (51) Lucy __________ lunch at school every day.

A. haven’t B. hasn’t C. don’t have D. doesn’t have

( ) (52) The children __________ games now.

A. plays B. playing C. is playing D. are playing

( ) (53) Now I can speak ___________ English.

A. an B. many C. lot of D. a little

( ) (54) __________ the picture! What can you ___________?

A. Look; see B. Look at; see

C. See; look D. See; look at

( ) (55) Jim ___________ to school at 6:30 in the morning.

A. going B. go C. goes D. is going

( ) (56) Mr Chen ____________ a beautiful birthday cake for me the day after tomorrow.

A. makes B. will make C. is making D. make

( ) (57) --- ___________ do your parents watch TV?

--- Every morning.

A. How long B. How much C. How far D. How often

( ) (58) On Sunday, he ____________ a good rest at home and ___________his homework.

A. has; does B. has; do C. have; does D.does; does

( ) (59) Look, the children ___________ young trees in the garden.

A. is planting B. are planting

C. plant D. will plant

( ) (60) --- ____________?

--- July 27th, 1994.

A. What day is it today B. Where are you

C. What’s the date today D. How long do you live there

( ) (61) ____________ to go to the cinema with us tonight?

A. Will you like B. Do you like

C. Would you like D. Are you liking

( ) (62) In our village, it’s ___________ hot in July.

A. very much B. much too

C. too much D. many too

( ) (63) My parents ____________ at home now.

A. both are B. are both C. all are D. are all

( ) (64) We have ____________ classes on Monday morning. ___________ class is English.

A. four…First B. fourth… The first

C. four … The first D. Four … The first

( ) (65) Here are our textbooks. ___________ are still in the teacher’s office.

A. You B. Yours C. Your D. Ours

九、阅读理解 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案(共20分,每小题2分)。

( A )

Mr and Mrs Brown are from America. They are now teaching English in Zhengzhou. Their son Jack is with them. Jack speaks English. They want him to learn some Chinese. Jack is in Grade Three in a Chinese school. He plays with Chinese children every day. He listens to Chinese, speaks Chinese, reads books in Chinese and writes in Chinese. He is doing well in his Chinese.

( ) (66) Mr and Mrs Brown are ____________.

A. Chinese B. English C. America D. Americans

( ) (67) They are working ____________ now.

A. at a school B. in a shop

C. in America D. in Grade 3

( ) (68) Jack is ____________.

A. a student of a Chinese school

B. a girl from America

C. in Class One, Grade Three

D. learning English

( ) (69) Jack likes to play with ___________.

A. his father B. his mother

C. his brothers D. his Chinese friends

( ) (70) Jack learns the Chinese language (语言) by ___________.

A. listening to the language

B. listening to and speaking the language

C. reading books in Chinese and writing in it

D. listening, speaking, reading and writing

( B )

Li lin is a Chinese boy. He studies in the nO.16 Middle School in Beijing. His mother is a worker. She works in a factory. The factory is not big and it is near Li Lin’s school. She likes making things very much. She makes many things every day. Li Lin’s father works in the factory, too. But he doesn’t make any things. He’s a driver and carries things for the workers.

Look! There he is coming. We can see many things in his truck (卡车).

( ) (71) Li lin is ___________.

A. a worker B. a student C. a teacher D. a driver

( ) (72) There are ___________ people in Lin Lin’s family.

A. two B. three C. four D. five

( ) (73) Li Lin’s school is ____________ the factory.

A. before B. behind C. near D. at

( ) (74) –What does Li L8in’s father do?

--He’s ___________.

A. a farmer B. a driver C. a teacher D. a soldier

( ) (75) Which is right?

A. Li Lin’s father doesn’t work in the factory.

B. Li Lin’s father works in a different factory.

C. Li Lin’s father and mother work in the same factory.

D. Li Lin’s father teaches in the No. 16 Middle School.


This is Joan’s room. There are two maps (76) the wall. (77) is a map of China, (78) is a map of the world(世界). (79) football is under the chair. (80) often plays football. There (81) two books and (82) orange on the table. Joan is reading a (83) . She isn’t (84) the orange. She’s (85) student.

( ) (76) A. in B. on C. at D. to

( ) (77) A. That B. One C. It D. This

( ) (78) A. other B. The other C. others D. the others

( ) (79) A. She B. Her C. Hers D. They

( ) (80) A. I B. She C. He D. They

( ) (81) A. have B. has C. is D. are

( ) (82) a B. an C. the D. two

( ) (83) picture B. book C. TV D. football

( ) (84) eat B. drink C. eating D. drinking

( ) (85) a good B. a well C. an only D. an early

第 II 卷

一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(共10分,每空1分, 每空不限填一词)

(1) What __________ he ___________ (do) now, do you know?

(2) We must ____________ (help) the student with him lessons.

(3) Who ___________ (teach) you English in your school?

(4) Look! The bus ____________(come).

(5) Would you like something ____________ (eat)?

(6) It’s time ___________ (have) classes.

(7) There ___________ (be) two pencils and a pen in the pencil-box.

(8) How much meat ___________ you ___________ (want)?

(9) My mother ____________ (get) up at 5:30 every day.

(10) ___________ (not open) the door, please.


(11) December is the ____________ month of the year. ( twelve)

(12) Turn right at the first ____________ (cross)

(13) It will be ____________ tomorrow. (sun)

(14) You can see many tall ___________ along the road. (build)

(15) The boy has many ___________ in his pencil-box. (knife)


(16) Is Lily d____________ from Lucy?

(17) F____________ is the second month of the year.

(18) Mary is n___________ late for school.

(19) Summer l____________ from March to May.

(20) Spring is the w____________ season of the year in Guangzhou.


(21) The fish is six yuan a kilo. (就划线部分提问)

_____________ ____________ _____________ the fish?

(22) I have two oranges in my hand. (就划线部分提问)

______________ ____________ oranges _____________ you ___________ in your hand?

(23) Bill is in Class 1, and Tom is in Class 1, too. (同义转换)

Bill and Tom ___________ in ____________ ___________ class.

(24) Tom does his homework on Sundays. (改为否定句)

Tom _____________ ___________ his homework on Sundays.

(25) There is some milk in the glass. (改为一般疑问句)

____________ there ___________ milk in the glass?

(26) The students are studying in the classroom. (就划线部分提问)

____________ are the students ____________ in the classroom?

(27) It’s time to have lunch. (同义转换)

It’s time _____________ _____________.

(28) I think he’s very old. (改为否定句)

I _____________ ______________ he’s very old.


( A )

A: Excuse me, sir.

B: Yes? What ____(29)______ I do (30) you?

A: Can you tell me the (31) to Jinxing Cinema?

B: Well, go (32) down this street, turn left at the second crossing. the cinema is on your right.

A: Thank you very much.

B: (33) welcome.

( B )

A: (34) I help you?

B: Some pears, please. How (35) ?

A: Four yuan a kilo.

B: Two kilos, please.

A: Here you are. Anything (36) ?

B: No, thanks. (37) the money.

A: (38) a lot.



第 I 卷

听 力 部 分(40分)

一、听写 把你听到的句子所缺的单词填在横线上,每条横线上只准填一 个单词(共10分,每格1分)。

(1) I don't know the meaning of “temperature”.

(2) Can you tell me the differences between Germany and China?

(3) Hurry up, or you can’t take the train.

(4) In autumn, many leaves turn yellow.

(5) Women’s Day is on March 8.

二、辨音 找出你在句子中听到的单词、词组或短语。(共5分,每小题1分)。

(6) The students like playing football match.

(7) Tom is going to climb the hill in the afternoon.

(8) Can you see the red light?

(9) It’s a play about a ship.

(10) My good friend’s telephone number is 89562347.

三、填表格 根据你所听到的内容填写下列表格。(共10分)

xiao Ming gets up at 6:30. He leaves home at 7:10. At 7:30 he gets to school. Classes begin at 8:00. Xiao Ming has lunch at home at 12:10. He goes home at 11:40. He has classes in the afternoon.

Usually he plays games at 4 o’clock. He watches TV at 7:00 in the evening. Xiao Ming does his homework at 8:00 and goes to bed at 9:45.


(21) Your friend says to you: “ Your English is very good.” What will you answer?

(22) Mike says to you: “ Thank you very much for giving me so much help.” What would you say to him?

(23) If someone asks you: “ Would you like to have a walk after supper with us? What would you answer?

(24) Your friend asks you: “ Shall we go to the park tomorrow?” What would you answer?

(25) Someone asks you: “ What can I do for you?” What would you answer?

五、理解 根据你所听到的对话以及针对该对话所提的问题,选出最佳答案(共 5分,每小题1分)。

(26) M: Where’s John at the moment?

W: In the garden.

M: What’s he doing there?

W: He’s reading, I think.

(27) M: I want some cake, please.

W: How much do you want, Madam?

M: Half a pound, please.

W: Thank you, Madam.

(28) W: Hello, where are you from?

M: Oh, I’m English.

W: Really? Which part do you come from?

M: Well, I live in London, but I was born in Manchester.

(29) M: Who’s that girl over there, Tony?

` W: Which one?

M: The taller one with fair hair.

W: That’s Lisa.

M: She’s nice, isn’t she?

(30) W: Let’s have a party.

M: What a good idea! When shall we have it?

W: What about Saturday evening?

M: Fine, and where shall we have it?

W: In you house.

六、短文理解 根据你听到的短文内容选择正确的答案回答问题。(共5分,每小题1分)

The Brown family is at home. Mrs Brown is in the kitchen(厨房). She is making cakes. Mr Brown is in the living room(起居室). He is sitting in a chair and reading a book. Jim and his friend, Mike, are in the garden. They are playing football. Sue and her friend, Ann, are in Sue’s bedroom. They are watching TV.

答 案

一、听写 把你听到的句子所缺的单词填在横线上,每条横线上只准填一个单词(共10分,每格1分)。

(1) meaning, temperature (2) differences, Germany

(3) Hurry, train (4) autumn, leaves

(5) Women’s, March

二、辨音 找出你在句子中听到的单词、词组或短语。(共5分,每小题1分)。

(6) A (7) D (8) B (9) C (10) C