关于日本的working holiday

在日本的签证中有working holiday这一项























第1个回答  2008-01-29
The Working Holiday visa is a special visa for young people that has the following features.

Validity of Visa:
. Visa recipients must enter Japan within one year (six months for New Zealand) after the date of issue.

Period of Stay:
. An initial stay of up to six months is granted for Australia, New Zealand and Canada (one year for Korea, France, Germany, U.K. and Ireland. France, U.K. and Ireland cannot be extended.) This may be extended up to another six months by the immigration authorities. Details are available from the Immigration Bureau.

Limits on Issue:
. Working Holiday visas will be issued only to persons who have never obtained one before.

Re-entry Permits:
. The Working Holiday visa is a single-entry visa. If the visa holder needs to leave Japan temporarily, it is necessary to obtain a re-entry permit from the immigration authorities before leaving Japan.

Remunerative Activities:
. Working Holiday visa holders can engage in any kind of job as long as their stay is deemed to be primarily a holiday in Japan. They may not, however, work in places where business is being regulated by the Law on Control and Improvement of Amusement and Entertainment Business, such as nightclubs and dance halls.

Visa Fees:
. There is no charge for a Working Holiday visa. (6 pounds for U.K.)

Conditions of the Working Holiday Programme
Since the Working Holiday programme is intended to promote greater mutual understanding, the applicant's primary aim should be to holiday in Japan. The programme is not designed for persons who mainly intend to work or study in Japan (for which purposes the appropriate visa should be sought). To ensure that the programme's objectives are met, the following requirements are to be satisfied.

The applicant
. must be a citizen/national of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, or Korea, Germany, the United Kingdom and Ireland currently residing in his or her country of citizenship.
. must intend primarily to holiday in Japan for a specific length of time.
. must be between 18 and 30 years of age.
. must possess a valid passport and a return ticket or sufficient funds to purchase a return ticket.
. must possess reasonable funds for living expenses, including medical expenses, during the period of the initial stay in Japan. For a single person, the minimum is US$2000, for a married couple, US$3000 or equivalent amount of the national currency.
. must be in good health and not have a criminal record.



第2个回答  2008-01-30