

It’s a standard observation that the world is getting angrier. Last year, 22% of respondents around the world told the Gallup organisation they felt angry, a record since the question was first asked in 2006.

The effects of anger are sometimes so appalling, thus, it’s easy to conclude that anger is inherently bad in itself. But studies have consistently shown that even everyday anger usually has positive results.

The crucial point about these productive outbursts is that there was an obvious route for translating anger into action, and thus reaching resolution. By contrast, we’ve built a world that’s extremely good at generating causes for anger, but extremely bad at giving us anything constructive to do with it.

We face big, systemic forces that threaten our wellbeing — automation, globalisation and above all climate change — but that offer few ways for individual people or communities to turn their anger into change. Incidentally, this also explains why “venting” your anger, by punching a pillow or suchlike, doesn’t work, and can even make things worse. That old advice is based on the assumption that emotions simply need release. But anger isn’t trapped wind. It doesn’t need somewhere to go. It needs something to do.

If you want to assuage your own anger, or other people’s anger, or the destructive effects of anger in the world at large, the only meaningful course is to do something concrete, however modest, in ways that will improve the situation, rather than fuelling the cycle of anger. Anger can be the start of something. But then you need the something.

It’s a standard observation that the world is getting angrier. Last year, 22% of respondents around the world told the Gallup organisation they felt angry, a record since the question was first asked in 2006.

The effects of anger are sometimes so appalling, thus, it’s easy to conclude that anger is inherently bad in itself. But studies have consistently shown that even everyday anger usually has positive results.

The crucial point about these productive outbursts is that there was an obvious route for translating anger into action, and thus reaching resolution. By contrast, we’ve built a world that’s extremely good at generating causes for anger, but extremely bad at giving us anything constructive to do with it.

We face big, systemic forces that threaten our wellbeing — automation, globalisation and above all climate change — but that offer few ways for individual people or communities to turn their anger into change. Incidentally, this also explains why “venting” your anger, by punching a pillow or suchlike, doesn’t work, and can even make things worse. That old advice is based on the assumption that emotions simply need release. But anger isn’t trapped wind. It doesn’t need somewhere to go. It needs something to do.

If you want to assuage your own anger, or other people’s anger, or the destructive effects of anger in the world at large, the only meaningful course is to do something concrete, however modest, in ways that will improve the situation, rather than fuelling the cycle of anger. Anger can be the start of something. But then you need the something.

adj. 使人惊骇的,极为恶劣的
搭配短语:appalling famine(骇人听闻的饥荒)
例句:His conduct was appalling.

adv. 固有地;生来就有地
词性拓展:inherent (adj.)
例句:Firefighting is inherently dangerous.

adv. 一致地
词性拓展:consistent (adj.)
反义词:inconsistent (adj.)
consistent 例句:The results are not consistent with earlier research.
inconsistent 例句:The results are inconsistent.
搭配短语:consistently high standard

v. 转化为
搭配短语:translate A into B(将 A 转化为 B)
近义词:turn A into B
例句:How to translate this theory into a practical plan?

v. 产生
搭配短语:generate profit(产生盈利)
搭配短语:generate power(发电)
搭配短语:generate electricity(发电)

adj. 建设性的,有助益的
近义词:productive (adj.)
例句:She criticized my writing, but in a way that was very constructive.

adj. 系统的;影响全面的
英文释义:A systemic problem or change is a basic one, experienced by the whole of an organization or a country and not just particular parts of it.
相关词汇:systematic(adj. 有计划的,有条不紊的)

n. 自动化
词性拓展:automate (v.)
英文释义:the use of machines to do work that was previously done by people

v. 发泄,宣泄
搭配短语:vent sth.
搭配短语:give vent to sth. (n.)
搭配短语:vent frustration(发泄沮丧的情绪)
搭配短语:give vent to frustration(发泄沮丧的情绪)

v. 缓和,减轻(不快)
搭配短语:assuage one's desire for knowledge(满足某人的求知欲)
搭配短语:assuage fears(缓解恐慌情绪)
搭配短语:assuage guilt(缓解负罪感)

at large
近义词:as a whole, generally
相关词汇:by and large(一般来说)
at large, by and large
at large 表示整个群体范围,the population at large(全部人口);the public at large(全体民众)。而 by and large 强调的是基本正确,By and large, I enjoyed my time at school.(总的来说,我很享受我在学校度过的时光。)

美国密苏里大学首席研究员 Daniel Vinson 指出:愤怒的人更容易受到严重的伤害。愤怒情绪会令身体进入一种“战斗”状态:肾上腺分泌出皮质醇和肾上腺素等,从而造成心跳加快和血压上升,出现呼吸短促和肌肉紧张的情况,大脑会处于高度警觉状态。同时,心脏输入四肢的血量也开始增多,而消化和免疫系统却几乎完全关闭。杜克大学医学中心的威廉姆斯教授在《夺命怒火》一书中指出:愤怒造成的典型紧张反应,使我们处于战斗或逃避的精神状态中。而这种状态,可能对身体造成损害。


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第1个回答  2023-06-14