

练习答案练习答案练习答案练习答案 Key to written exercisesKey to written exercisesKey to written exercisesKey to written exercises 1111....关键句型练习答案关键句型练习答案关键句型练习答案关键句型练习答案 A She must be(1.1); Jennifer will have to take(1.3); she must appear(1.4); she had to wear(11.5-6); it must be terrible(11.7-8) C 1 You must/will have to see a doctor. 2 Must you/Do you have to make so much noise? 3 She said we must/had to/would have to stay here. 4 I must/have to have some help. 8 I've had to go out last night. 2222....难点练习答案难点练习答案难点练习答案难点练习答案 A 1 in the position of 2 because 3 At the time when B 1 grow 2 suit 3 costume 4 dress 3333....多项选择题答案多项选择题答案多项选择题答案多项选择题答案 1. d根据课文第1-2行She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite ofthis , she often appears on the stage as a young girl, 只有d. She istoo old to appear on a stage as a young girl是课文所暗示的情况,而其他3个选择都与课文内容不符。 2. b课文第1行有She must be at least thirty-five yearsold(她至少也有35岁了),这只是个推测,并没有告诉读者她的确切年龄有多大,因此a. We know exactly how oldJennifer is 与课文内容不符; c. Jennifer is thirty-five years old也与课文内容不符,因为课文中没有明确较大她确切的年龄是35岁; d. Jennifer is over thirty-fiveyears old 也不够准确,因为作者推测她至少有35岁,可能超过35岁,也可能正好35岁;只有b. We do not knowexactly how old Jennifer is 是正确的。 3. b这个句子是对前一句作出肯定的陈述,只有b. is 才是最合乎题目意思和语法的:In my opinion she is (atleast thirty-five years old.) 而 a. has 后面不能跟年龄,因此不符合语法;c. can是情态助动词,意思是“能,可以”,不符合题目意思;d. must是情态助动词,可以用来表示推测,但在后一句话中应明确表示个人的看法,而不是众人的推断,所以b是正确答案。 4. d从后一句的回答中可以看出,前一个疑问句应针对年龄提问,因此只有d. How old 是正确答案。 5. c介词in 有时可以用来表示穿什么服装或穿什么颜色的衣服,这句话只有c. in 意思才正确。其他3个都不符合语法。
6. c只有c. has to do 与前一句的must 意思相同又符合第3人称单数she 的要求.因此只有选c. has to do. 而b. have to do 不能用于第3人称单数, a. has done , d. had done 都不符合题目意思. 7. bbe necessary for sb. to do sth. 等于 sb. must/have to do sth., 只有 b. necessary 才能使这一句同前一句的意思相同,而其他3个选择都不符合题目意思。 8. aa. is presented 有参加演出的意思,只有选a. is presented 才能使这句话同前一句She oftenappears as a young girl(她常扮演小姑娘)的意思相吻合。 而b. points (指出,)词意思不符。 c. shows(展示,表现)常做及物动词d. seems (似乎是,好像)词意思不对。 因此a.是正确答案 。 9. ab. game(游戏,比赛),c. toy(玩具),d. match(比赛)这3个都不符合题目意思,只有a. play(剧本,戏剧)符合题目意思. 10. c前面的句子Jennifer will take part in the play的意思是“Jennifer要参加这个剧的演出”而不是参与写作或创作这个剧本,因此不能选a. will write 和d. willproduce,而b. won't be in 与题目意思相反。只有c. will be in 最符合题目意思。 11. asocks 为男女用短袜,stocking 为女用长筒袜。 只有a. socks instead of stockings最符合生活常识,而其他3个选择都不对。 12. d只有d. an adult(成年人 )才能与前一句中的grow up(长大,成人,成熟)意思相符合,而其他3个选择a. veryold(很老),b. an adolescent(青少年),c. teenager(13岁到19岁的青少年)意思都不够准确。
第1个回答  2012-07-12
A 2.If jane is angry with me , please tell her i’ m sorry. 3.if Frank has flu, please tell him to go to bed. 4.If Alan changes
第2个回答  2014-09-07

第3个回答  2012-07-13
- -我有 但好多的说。。你们老师难道还收答案么。