
quick boot
try other boot devices
bootup num-lock
floppy drive swap
floppy drive seek
password check
boot to os/2 64
l1 cache
l2 cache
sustem bios cacheable
sdram timing by spd
sdram frequency
sdram cas latency
sdram bank interlave
agp mode
agp come.driving
manual agp comp.driving
agp aperture size
auto detect dimm/pci cik
clk gem spread spectrum

acpl aware o/s
power management/apm
video power down mode
hard disk power down mode
standby time out(minute)
standby time out(minute)
poweron by lan/ring
poweron by onchip lan
poweron by kbc
wake-up key
wake-up password
poweron by rtc alarm
rtc alarm date
rtc alarm hour
rtc alarm minute
rtc alarm second

plug and play aware o/s
primary graphics adapter
allocate irq to pci vga

quick boot 快速启动
try other boot devices 从其他设备启动
bootup num-lock 启动时开机NUM LOCK键
floppy drive swap 软驱交换
floppy drive seek 搜索软驱
password check 检查密码
boot to os/2 64 启动os/2系统
l1 cache L1缓存
l2 cache L2缓存
sustem bios cacheable
sdram timing by spd 根据内存SPD掉内存TIMING值
sdram frequency 内存频率
sdram cas latency 内存延迟
sdram bank interleave 内存插槽
agp mode 显卡模式
agp come.driving
manual agp comp.driving
agp aperture size
auto detect dimm/pci cik 自动侦测内存/PCI 时钟频率
clk gem spread spectrum

acpl aware o/s
power management/apm 电源管理
video power down mode
hard disk power down mode
standby time out(minute) 挂起超时时间
standby time out(minute)
poweron by lan/ring 网卡开机
poweron by onchip lan 板载网卡开机
poweron by kbc
wake-up key 任意键唤醒
wake-up password 唤醒密码
poweron by rtc alarm 定时开机
rtc alarm date 定时开机日期
rtc alarm hour 定时开机日期
rtc alarm minute
rtc alarm second

plug and play aware o/s
primary graphics adapter
allocate irq to pci vga
第1个回答  2008-03-19