
1.with a view to 以下几个例句如何解释?看起来既像介词又像副词,可是许多人都说to是介词,谁可以解释一下?
He studies English hard with a view to master it quickly.
We are writing to you with a view to establish trade relationship.
He is decorating the house with a view to selling it
He has bought a piece of land with a view to building a house.
2.with an aim to问题同上
Apex InfoSoft was founded in 2006 with an aim to establish itself among leading Global IT Solutions Providers.
The Administration undertook to review the Consent Scheme with an aim to improving the situation.
Providing 1,000 vacancies to the market with an aim to help reduce unemployment and show their corporate social responsibility.
Both sides will enhance communication and co-operation by having regular visits and exchange of information, with an aim to tightening up mutual cooperation in implementing preventive and measures against SARS.

我也有类似的迷茫,to一般用在不定式当中,后面跟动词原形。但是在介词短语当中就是介词,如pay attention to,look forward to,object to,be addicted to,都是一些介词短语,只要它出现在短语里面to就是介词,出现在句子里面就是不定式。懂了么?追问

He studies English hard with a view to master it quickly.
He is decorating the house with a view to selling it




可是He studies English hard with a view to master it quickly. 没跟ing形式
