
The policy shall contain a clause requiring that the Department be given thirty (30) days notice prior to any cancellation or termination of the policy. A copy of such policy or policies or an acceptable certificate shall be deposited with the Department within thirty (30) days of the same obtained by the Lessee. The Lessee shall pay all premiums and other charges payable in connection with insurance carried by the Lessee, In the event of damage to any permanent improvement on the premises, the Lessee shall reconstruct such improvement in compliance with applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations and in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Lease. Such reconstruction shall commence within six (6) months after the damage occurs and shall be pursued diligently and completed within one (1) year of the occurrence. In the event of damage to the extent of seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the total value of all permanent improvements on the Premises during the last five (5) years of the term of this Lease, the Lessee for ninety (90) days shall have the option to agree to reconstruct the damaged improvements.
Should the Lessee fail to notify the Department in writing of the exercise of its option to reconstruct within ninety (90) days of the occurrence of damage, the Premises shall be cleared at the Lessee's expense and upon completion of such clearing this Lease shall terminate In the event Lessee shall elect not to rebuild damaged improvements during the last five-year term of the Lease, all insurance proceeds accruing as a result of the fire or damage, shall be for the sole benefit of and made payable to the Department, or its lawful successors and assigns- Any damages incurred or suffered by any sub lessee, assignee, mortgagee or otherwise as a result of such termination shall be borne solely by the Lessee.


第1个回答  2017-02-11
merry”. But most people would be c
第2个回答  2016-06-05
该政策应包含要求该部门给予30岁的条款之前,政策的任何取消或终止(30)天通知。这样的政策或政策或可接受的证书的副本,须与部门内承租人获得相同的三十(30)日内存入。承租人应支付由承租人进行保险应付的全部保费和其他费用,在到该处所的任何永久性的改善受损的情况下,承租人应当重新构建符合适用的法律,法令和法规,在这种改进按照本租约的适用规定。之后发生的损失,并应孜孜追求的目标,并发生一(1)一年内完成这样的重建应六(6)个月内开始。在以75%的(75%)以上的诸多所有永久改善总价值的程度破坏在过去五年(5)年本租约,承租人九十期限的情况下( 90)天内有权同意重建损坏的改进的选项。