
假如你是某中学的学生,为了拥有一个整洁、舒适的校园环境,请代学生会根据以下要点用英文向全校发出环境保护倡议,并阐述你的理由。(1)不得乱扔垃圾,保护教室清洁,不得在教室里吃东西(2)爱护花草树木,即时关灯及水龙头(3)循环使用课本(4)不得在教室墙上乱涂乱画,或在教室里高声喧哗. 各位,麻烦大家帮忙啊,先谢谢大家啦。。。

Dear students ,in order to Let us have a clean, comfortable environment of the campus, we must care for the environment. Therefore, Our Students' Union, specifically to raise such hope. First, not to throw rubbish,please .to protect the classroom clean, and do not eat in the classroom. Second, we should take good care of trees and flowers, turn off lights and taps on time. Third, in order to save resources,we should recycle textbooks,. Fourth, we shoud not scribble on the wall of the classroom, also don't make any noise in the classroom. Our hope that everyone actively cooperate with our sloga, for our beautiful campus together.



第1个回答  2012-07-29
Dear students
Doyouwant to havea beautiful,clean and comfortableschool?Itto comply with theserules: Do notlitterandto protectthe classroom clean,andshall noteatin the classroom.Careofflowers and trees,instantturn off the lightsandfaucet.Recycling oftextbooks.Thegraffition the wallin the classroom,orin the classroomto loud noiseand I believeweachieve these,our schoolswillbecomemore beautiful.
Your classmates
你们想拥有一个美丽干净舒适的学校吗?那就遵守这些规则吧:不得乱扔垃圾,保护教室清洁,不得在教室里吃东西。爱护花草树木,即时关灯及水龙头。循环使用课本。不得在教室墙上乱涂乱画,或在教室里高声喧哗. 我相信我们做到这几点,我们的学校将会变得更美丽。