

Beitai Town, is located in Yulin City, 4 kilometers north of the city red hill. Beitai town is the Ming Dynasty the Great Wall ruins of the most ambitious, building one of the most majestic momentum, known as China's " three wonders of the Great Wall ( East Shanhaiguan, in Beitai Town, West Jiayuguan ) " and " the Great Wall first " called. In 1992 the Shaanxi province government announced for the provincial cultural relics protection units. In 2001 06 Sept. 25, Beitai town as the Ming Dynasty ancient architecture, was included in the State Council approved the fifth batch of national key cultural relics protection unit list.

汉语:镇北台,位于榆林市城北4公里之红山顶上。镇北台是明代长城遗址中最为宏大、气势最为磅礴的建筑物之一,素有中国长城“三大奇观之一(东有山海关、中有镇北台、西有嘉峪关)”和“万里长城第一台” 之称。1992年陕西省政府公布为省级文物保护单位。 2001年06月25日,镇北台作为明代古建筑,被国务院批准列入第五批全国重点文物保护单位名单。
第1个回答  2012-08-02