
“同仁堂”是北京最古老、声誉最高的一家堂号。它创建于公元1669年 至今已有三百多年的历史。其制药宗旨为:“炮炙虽繁必不敢省人工,品味虽贵必不敢减物力”,所制产品以“配方独特、选料上乘、工艺精湛、疗效显著”而驰名中外。

第1个回答  2012-04-25
"TongRenTang" is the oldest, and highest reputation Tong in Beijing . It established in 1669 .To this day it has three hundred years old. The pharmaceutical the objective is: "gun although numerous char must not dare to omit artificial, although you will not taste reduced material", by the system products to "unique formula, the materials are good, exquisite workmanship, the curative effect is distinct" famous Chinese and foreign.
第2个回答  2012-04-25
TRT is the most famous time-honored brand in traditional Chinese medicine industry in Beijing. It was founded in 1669 A.D., with more than 300 years of history. TRT’s commandment is: No manpower shall be spared, no matter how complicated the procedures of pharmaceutical production are;no material shall be reduced, no matter how much the cost is. Therefore, with unique recipes, top-class raw materials, excellent workmanship and evident curative effect, the products of TRT enjoy a high prestige at home and abroad.本回答被提问者采纳