
1 sort the complaints into two groups
2 be fair/unfair
3 make sb. do
4 in busy traffic
5 it seems that
6 totally in a mess
7 like it that way
8 run around
9 reach the cookies
10 for no reason
11 mood-moody
12 deal with
13 get annoyed
14 put off until
15 tell lies/tell a lie
16 be in trouble
17 flexible-fiexibly
18 help-helpful
19 forget-forgetful
20 an hon est boy
21 patient-impatient
22 rather subborn
23 a bit tru sting
24 a little stupid
25 reay hardworking
26 extremely self-centered
27 first impression
28 mouse-mice
29 an experiment
30 take place
31 a unmber of
32 open up
33 calm down
34 criticize sb.
35 keep a secret
36 feel needed
37 feed the animals
38 find sb. doing
39 take notes
40 wonder at
41 the power of
42 completr opposites
43 on the ather hand
44 tell jokes
45 nice and tidy
46 put rubbish into different kinds
47 save electricity
48 make sure that
49 leave the lights on
50 have probiems with
51 pick up
52 heavy metal music
53 all the time
54 be ugly
55 have operation

1 sort the complaints into two groups分两组解决投诉问题
2 be fair/unfair公平/不公平
3 make sb. do让……做
4 in busy traffic交通拥挤
5 it seems that ……似乎……
6 totally in a mess完全一团糟
7 like it that way像那样
8 run around 兜圈
9 reach the cookies到达(HTML某站点)信息
10 for no reason 没有理由的
11 mood-moody喜怒无常的情绪
12 deal with处理
13 get annoyed 被……困扰
14 put off until 耽搁了直到……
15 tell lies/tell a lie说谎
16 be in trouble 惹上麻烦
17 flexible-fiexibly 有弹性的(对事物的话,有转寰余地的)
18 help-helpful帮助/有帮助的
19 forget-forgetful 忘记/健忘的
20 an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩
21 patient-impatient耐心/没耐心的
22 rather subborn非常固执
23 a bit trusting 有点可以信任的
24 a little stupid有点蠢
25 really hardworking 不辞辛劳
26 extremely self-centered 非常自我中心的
27 first impression第一印象
28 mouse-mice老鼠/老鼠(复数)
29 an experiment一个实验
30 take place 发生
31 a nunmber of 许多的
32 open up 打开/揭露
33 calm down 冷静下来
34 criticize sb. 批评某人
35 keep a secret 保守秘密
36 feel needed 感觉需要……
37 feed the animals 喂养动物
38 find sb. doing 发现某人在做……
39 take notes 记笔记
40 wonder at 对……好奇
41 the power of……的力量
42 complete opposites 截然相反
43 on the other hand 另一方面
44 tell jokes 开玩笑
45 nice and tidy 干净整洁
46 put rubbish into different kinds 垃圾分类
47 save electricity 节约用电
48 make sure that 确保……
49 leave the lights on 开着灯
50 have problems with 对……有问题的
51 pick up 拾起/挑选/顺便接人
52 heavy metal music重金属音乐
53 all the time 始终
54 be ugly 丑陋
55 have operation动手术
