
例如 mad at sb
spend sometime in doing sth
spend some money on sth
这些at in on 的语法句子,越多越好

shout at sb
be angry at sth
at the age of
at that time
in common
take part in
in the tree(在树上,指本身不属于树的东西藏在树里面了。。比如人或动物爬到了树上。。)
in order to
be in for sth
in and out
be interested in
take an interest in
do well in (=be good at )
have it in for (挟嫌报复)

depend on(依赖)
from now on(今后)
and so on (等等)
on and on(不停地)
spend some time (in) doing sth
第1个回答  2012-04-18
at the end of at the moment
on the weekdays
in some ways
depend on
be stressed in
be good at
in common


第2个回答  2012-04-18
stare at, at home . in order to, defeat on,on monday.