
又是一年三月三,炎黄子孙拜轩辕。自2006年(农历丙戌年)开始,原由新郑市人民政府主办的“炎黄文化旅游节”升格为黄帝故里拜祖大典。6年来,黄帝故里拜祖大典浓厚的文化氛围一次次打动前来朝圣的华人。“史有明载、地有确迹、代有传说、世所认同”的学术考证,让黄帝故里新郑成为全球华人追思先祖懿德、传承中华文化的精神家园和心灵故乡。 2012年的拜祖大典举行当日,在郑州国际会展中心举行的首届全球根亲(客家)文化盛事颁奖大典传来好消息,黄帝故里拜祖大典荣膺“全球最具影响力的十大根亲文化盛事”。

On March 3rd everyear, Chinese will honor their ancestor "XuanYuan" .Since 2006 ,the "Yanhuang Cultural and Tourism Festival" sponsored by Zhengzhou people's government was promoted as the Yellow Emperor's Hometown Ancestor-Worship Ceremony.
In the last 6 years ,the ceremony has been impressing the pilgrims with the Chinese blood with rich and strong cultural atmosphere .With the acdemic research of "recored in the history,located on the map,Legends spreaded by generations and acknowledged by the world",the Yellow Emperor's Hometown has become home of the spirit and heart for the Chinese all over the world to memorize the virtues of our forefathers and inherit Chinese culture and traditions .On the day when the ancestor-worship ceremony was held in 2012,good news came out form the First Global Indigenous Cultural Events Award Ceremony celebrated in the international convention center of Zhengzhou ,that the Yellow Emperor's Hometown Ancestor-Worship Ceremony was named one of the "Top Ten Most Influential Indigenous Cultural Events".




同学 你先把悬赏金给我行么? 或者给我个最佳答案也行啊 我任务不是白做的啊、、、

第1个回答  2012-04-28
Again in March,Ichinese were visiting thrie Ancestors XUANYUAN.'Huang Cultural tourism Festival' upgraded to 'Yellow Emperor's Hometown three Xinzheng Baizu ceremony' which organised by the government of XinZheng.Six years,a strong cultural atmosphere for 'Yellow Emperor's Hometown three Xinzheng Baizu ceremony 'touched people's hearts that came out and watched the festival' over and over .Academic research for 'There have been historical records ,trace, and legend.And the world has accepted'has come into being.,,,,
第2个回答  2012-04-27
第3个回答  2012-04-27