英语高手帮忙 翻译 急啊!



性别歧视性别歧视是各种歧视中历史最长、最突出的问题。许多用人单位在招聘广告中都公开注明要求应聘者“须为男性,或“男性优先。在条件相当甚至更优秀的情况下, 女性经常仅仅因为性别问题被用人单位拒之门外。�

年龄歧视许多用人单位在招聘时将35岁作为一个界限,“35岁以下屡见不鲜地出现在 大量招聘广告的限制性条件中。求职者年龄在40岁、50岁上下的更是就业困难,形成了中国特有的“4050现象。�

学历歧视用人单位人才高消费现象十分突出,许多用人单位不顾客观需求片面追求高学历。而另一个极端的现象却又是,有些用人单位不招高学历的,相反倒要求应聘者必须“本 科以下、“大专以下等等。�

相貌歧视有些用人单位在挑选求职者时,优先录用相貌好的而不是成绩好的。许多女大学生为了找工作无心学习,而是忙于化妆打扮,甚至拍摄十分暴露的写真集以“扮靓简历 。�

户口歧视有的用人单位要求应聘者必须具有本地户口。甚至有些地方政府也推波助澜,公然违背国家政策,干预本辖区内用人单位的用工自主权利,要求用人单位优先录用本地人 。�



健康歧视残疾人就业受到各种歧视自不必说,还有一些病毒携带人群也受到歧视。如“ 乙肝歧视问题,已经引起全国一亿多乙肝病毒携带者的强烈反应。其实,没有传染性的乙 肝病毒感染者是可以就业的。根据《全国病毒性肝炎防治方案》规定,乙肝病毒携带者除不能献血及从事直接入口的食品和保育员工作外,可以照常工作。�



面对愈演愈烈的“就业歧视现象,社会各界就是否应该立法规范存在截然对立的观点。一 种是主张立法,赋予政府权力进行干预;一种主张不能立法干涉用人单位的用人自主权。后者的主要观点是,优胜劣汰是市场规律,如果制订法律限制用人单位自主权,是对用人单位的不公平。�

笔者也认为反就业歧视的最根本办法不是立法,市场发挥作用才是最根本的办法。即当就业机会增加,劳动力供求关系出现平衡或供不应求的时候,就业歧视问题才会得到根本好转。 另外,随着用人单位在市场上的优胜劣汰,用人单位观念趋于理性,就业歧视现象才会逐渐减少。因此,笔者认为政府应当努力增加就业机会,以缓解严重的“就业歧视现象。同时 兼采取其他多种措施,如提高企业管理者素质,改变企业的不理性的用人观念;打击地方保护主义,坚持建立全国统一的可以自由流动的劳动力市场机制等

Employment discrimination form the main �

At present, China's "employment discrimination is manifested in the following aspects. �

Gender discrimination is sex discrimination in the longest history of discrimination, the most prominent problem. Many employers in the recruitment advertisements have publicly asked to specify "to be male, or" men priority. Even in conditions of very good circumstances, simply because women often employing units gender issues were shut out. �

Many employers age discrimination in recruitment, as a 35-year-old boundaries, "the 35-year-old often appeared in a large number of recruitment advertisements restrictive conditions. Job seekers were aged 40 and 50 years old is more employment difficulties, and formed a unique to China "in 4050. �

Academic discrimination employing units talent high consumption has been very prominent phenomenon, and many employers regardless of the objective needs of one-sided pursuit of higher education. Another extreme phenomenon it is that some employers do not move high level of education, on the contrary inverted asked to be "following undergraduate," tertiary, and so on. �

Some facial discrimination in the selection of candidates employing units, preference looks good and not good results. Many female university students to find a job inadvertently learning, are busy with make-up dress, and even shooting the album is very exposed to "privileges resume. �

Some of the employing units account discrimination requirements candidates must have local accounts. Some even local governments are also adding fuel to the flames, in flagrant violation of national policy, intervention in the area of employment employing units autonomous right to require the employing units preference locals. �

Some history of discrimination employing units fail to pay attention to examine how the actual level of candidates, but too much emphasis on the curriculum vitae of job-seekers, such as explicitly put forward a student work experience, such as the preference. �

Experience discrimination Some employers refuse to recruit fresh graduates, candidates must require working experience. �

Health discrimination against people with all kinds of employment discrimination by Needless to say, there are some people carrying the virus have also been discriminated against. Such as "discrimination against hepatitis B, has already caused more than 100 million Hepatitis B virus carriers in the country to the strong reaction of fact, no infectious hepatitis B virus infection is employment. Accordance with the" National Hepatitis Control Programme ", B Apart from the liver virus carriers can not be directly involved in blood donation and the entrance of food and mothers work, as usual, can work. �

Standing on the discrimination many units have height restrictions, and if the employing units一米七provides no less than men, not women, such as less than 1 m 6. �

Deal with "employment discrimination measures �

Faced with the growing "employment discrimination, the community on whether there should be legislative norms diametrically opposed views. One is advocating legislation to give the Government power to intervene; not an advocate of legislation to interfere in the employing units employing autonomy. Latter the main point is that the survival of the fittest is the law of the market, if the legal restrictions on employing units developed autonomy, and is employing units unfair. �

I also believe that employment discrimination against the most fundamental way is not legislation, the role of the market is the most fundamental way. That is, when employment opportunities increased, balance of supply and demand for labor relations or shortage of time, employment discrimination will be fundamentally improved. In addition, with the employing units on the market in the survival of the fittest, employing units, more rational concept of employment discrimination will be reduced gradually. Therefore, I believe that the Government should strive to increase employment opportunities, so as to ease the serious problem of "employment discrimination. At the same time and take a variety of other measures, such as improving the quality of enterprise management, enterprise change the irrational use concepts; crack down on local protectionism, and insist the establishment of national reunification of the free movement of labour market mechanisms

第1个回答  2008-03-31
At present, China's "employment discrimination is manifested in the following aspects. �

Gender discrimination is sex discrimination in the longest history of discrimination, the most prominent problem. Many employers in the recruitment advertisements have publicly asked to specify "to be male, or" men priority. Even in conditions of very good circumstances, simply because women often employing units gender issues were shut out. �

Many employers age discrimination in recruitment, as a 35-year-old boundaries, "the 35-year-old often appeared in a large number of recruitment advertisements restrictive conditions. Job seekers were aged 40 and 50 years old is more employment difficulties, and formed a unique to China "in 4050. �

Academic discrimination employing units talent high consumption has been very prominent phenomenon, and many employers regardless of the objective needs of one-sided pursuit of higher education. Another extreme phenomenon it is that some employers do not move high level of education, on the contrary inverted asked to be "following undergraduate," tertiary, and so on. �

Some facial discrimination in the selection of candidates employing units, preference looks good and not good results. Many female university students to find a job inadvertently learning, are busy with make-up dress, and even shooting the album is very exposed to "privileges resume. �

Some of the employing units account discrimination requirements candidates must have local accounts. Some even local governments are also adding fuel to the flames, in flagrant violation of national policy, intervention in the area of employment employing units autonomous right to require the employing units preference locals. �

Some history of discrimination employing units fail to pay attention to examine how the actual level of candidates, but too much emphasis on the curriculum vitae of job-seekers, such as explicitly put forward a student work experience, such as the preference. �

Experience discrimination Some employers refuse to recruit fresh graduates, candidates must require working experience. �

Health discrimination against people with all kinds of employment discrimination by Needless to say, there are some people carrying the virus have also been discriminated against. Such as "discrimination against hepatitis B, has already caused more than 100 million Hepatitis B virus carriers in the country to the strong reaction of fact, no infectious hepatitis B virus infection is employment. Accordance with the" National Hepatitis Control Programme ", B Apart from the liver virus carriers can not be directly involved in blood donation and the entrance of food and mothers work, as usual, can work. �

Standing on the discrimination many units have height restrictions, and if the employing units 1.70 meters provides no less than men, not women, such as less than 1 m 6. �

Deal with "employment discrimination measures �

Faced with the growing "employment discrimination, the community on whether there should be legislative norms diametrically opposed views. One is advocating legislation to give the Government power to intervene; not an advocate of legislation to interfere in the employing units employing autonomy. Latter the main point is that the survival of the fittest is the law of the market, if the legal restrictions on employing units developed autonomy, and is employing units unfair. �

I also believe that employment discrimination against the most fundamental way is not legislation, the role of the market is the most fundamental way. That is, when employment opportunities increased, balance of supply and demand for labor relations or shortage of time, employment discrimination will be fundamentally improved. In addition, with the employing units on the market in the survival of the fittest, employing units, more rational concept of employment discrimination will be reduced gradually. Therefore, I believe that the Government should strive to increase employment opportunities, so as to ease the serious problem of "employment discrimination. At the same time and take a variety of other measures, such as improving the quality of enterprise management, enterprise change the irrational use concepts; crack down on local protectionism, and insist the establishment of national reunification of the free movement of labour market mechanisms
第2个回答  2008-03-31
Employment discrimination form the main �

At present, China's "employment discrimination is manifested in the following aspects. �

Gender discrimination is sex discrimination in the longest history of discrimination, the most prominent problem. Many employers in the recruitment advertisements have publicly asked to specify "to be male, or" men priority. Even in conditions of very good circumstances, simply because women often employing units gender issues were shut out. �

Many employers age discrimination in recruitment, as a 35-year-old boundaries, "the 35-year-old often appeared in a large number of recruitment advertisements restrictive conditions. Job seekers were aged 40 and 50 years old is more employment difficulties, and formed a unique to China "in 4050. �
Academic discrimination employing units talent high consumption has been very prominent phenomenon, and many employers regardless of the objective needs of one-sided pursuit of higher education. Another extreme phenomenon it is that some employers do not move high level of education, on the contrary inverted asked to be "following undergraduate," tertiary, and so on. �

Some facial discrimination in the selection of candidates employing units, preference looks good and not good results. Many female university students to find a job inadvertently learning, are busy with make-up dress, and even shooting the album is very exposed to "privileges resume. �

Some of the employing units account discrimination requirements candidates must have local accounts. Even some local governments also adding fuel to the flames, in flagrant violation of national policy, intervention in the area of employment employing units autonomous right to require the employing units preference locals. �

Some history of discrimination employing units fail to pay attention to examine how the actual level of candidates, but too much emphasis on the curriculum vitae of job-seekers, such as explicitly put forward a student work experience, such as the preference. �

Experience discrimination Some employers refuse to recruit fresh graduates, candidates must require working experience. �
Health discrimination against people with all kinds of employment discrimination by Needless to say, there are some people carrying the virus have also been discriminated against. Such as "discrimination against hepatitis B, has already caused more than 100 million Hepatitis B virus carriers in the country to the strong reaction of fact, no infectious hepatitis B virus infection is employment. Accordance with the" National Hepatitis Control Programme ", B Apart from the liver virus carriers can not be directly involved in blood donation and the entrance of food and mothers work, as usual, can work. �

Height discrimination Many units have height restrictions, if the employing units一米七requirement of not less than men, not women, such as less than 1 m 6. �

Deal with "employment discrimination measures �

Faced with the growing "employment discrimination, the community on whether there should be legislative norms diametrically opposed views. One is advocating legislation to give the Government the power to intervene; not an advocate of legislation to interfere in the employing units employing autonomy. Latter the main point is that the survival of the fittest is the law of the market, if the legal restrictions on employing units developed autonomy, and is employing units unfair. �

I also believe that employment discrimination against the most fundamental way is not legislation, the role of the market is the most fundamental way. That is, when employment opportunities increased, balance of supply and demand for labor relations or shortage of time, employment discrimination will be fundamentally improved. In addition, with the employing units on the market in the survival of the fittest, employing units, more rational concept of employment discrimination will be reduced gradually. Therefore, I believe that the Government should strive to increase employment opportunities, so as to ease the serious problem of "employment discrimination. Taken. And a variety of other measures, such as improving the quality of enterprise management, enterprise change the irrational use concepts; crack down on local protectionism, and insist the establishment of national reunification of the free movement of labour market mechanisms such as
第3个回答  2008-03-31
Employment discrimination phenomenon main manifestation

At present, our country's employment discrimination phenomenon mainly displays in following several aspects:

The sex discrimination sex discrimination is in each kind of discrimination the history is longest, the most prominent question.Many employers all publicize in the want ad indicate request the applicant to have to be the male or the male first.In condition quite even more outstanding situation,female frequently because the sex question keeps them out merely by the employer.

Age discrimination many employers when employment advertise a 35 year old of achievement boundary,the common occurrence of belowing 35 year old appears in the massive want ad restrictive condition.不想翻了,忘了今天是愚人节,靠!差点被你耍…………
第4个回答  2008-03-31