

A.Welcome! What can I help you ?
B.I want to buy a dress.

A.What colour do you like best ?
B.White and blue.
A.What about this one?It's the most fashion style this year.You must like it as well.You are so thin,small size is right.Have a try ,please.
B.No,thanks.It is too short for me . I would like to see the others. This blue dress looks very beautiful.
A.I am so sorry that we only have L-size of this dress.
B.What a pitty!I must go now.
第1个回答  2016-05-25
•This is ….这是…•That is….那是….•How many / much do you want? 你想要多少?•What color 颜色/ size尺寸 / kind 类型 do you want? 你想要什么颜色/尺寸/类型?•Pardon? 能再重复一遍吗?•Hold on 等一等•Please sit down 请坐•Follow me 跟我来•It’s not for sale 这是非卖品•it’s a free gift 这是一个赠品 •hello,what you looking for?你好,你需要什么?•Welcome next time. 欢迎下次再来•Thank you 谢谢•Can I help you?我可以帮你吗?•What can I do for you?我可以为你做什么吗?•Excuse me?不好意思,打扰一下。•That’s OK/ all right 好的•You are welcome. 别客气,不用谢。