



After in-depth communication and understanding with children playing video games, it is found that video games will bring children a sense of achievement. In order to make everyone like their own games and more people fall in love with their own designed games, businessmen who design electronic games will try their best to understand the characteristics and weaknesses of human nature and cater to their preferences.

One of them is to find ways to give players a sense of achievement. That's why all games have levels. The higher the level of play, the more people have a sense of achievement.

And as long as you spend time, it's basically easier to advance. Once promoted, the game will design a promotion ceremony to make players feel this sense of achievement. Therefore, after children get this sense of achievement, they will have the psychology of wanting to continue to play and hope to continue to get the pleasure of this achievement.

Secondly, video games also focus on making players have a sense of conquest. Not every level of the game is so easy to pass. Generally, the more advanced the game is, the more difficult it is to pass, and the more difficult it is to pass, it will provoke the child's desire to conquer. Let children have the mentality that they have to play to pass the test, so they will spend a long time studying how to play games. It will take more and more time. This happens involuntarily.

In addition, video games will give players a strong sense of satisfaction. In the game, when the player is promoted or completes a task, the game designer will give some rewards to the player. The content of the rewards is also varied.

But as long as it is a prize that can make players happy and satisfied. Therefore, it is easy for players to have this strong pleasure and like the game more and more.







